79+ Bible Verses About Beauty: Divine Reflections

Beauty is generally expressed as an attribute of an object or as an external description that makes these objects more pleasing to the eye.

According to the Bible, olive trees, branches or leaves symbolize beauty. This symbolism is often mentioned in the Bible’s description of beauty. Following are some Bible Verses about Beauty.

What Does the Bible Say About Beauty?

The Bible teaches that true beauty isn’t just about how someone looks on the outside. It says that being a good and God-fearing person is what really matters.

In Proverbs 31:30, it says that being charming or looking good is not as important as having respect and love for God. This means that inner qualities, like kindness and love, are more valuable.

Another verse, 1 Samuel 16:7, tells us that God doesn’t judge people based on their appearance but on what’s in their hearts.

So, according to the Bible, being a good person and having a loving heart is what makes someone truly beautiful.

Old Testament Verses on Beauty

Song of Solomon 4:7:

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

This verse from the Song of Solomon expresses the idea of unconditional love and admiration. It reflects the notion that true beauty is not just skin deep but encompasses the entirety of a person’s being, including their character and inner qualities.

Psalm 27:4:

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.”

This verse emphasizes the spiritual aspect of beauty. It conveys the idea that true beauty can be found in the presence of the Lord and in seeking a deeper connection with God.

Ecclesiastes 3:11:

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

This verse suggests that beauty is a part of God’s creation, and everything has its own unique beauty when viewed in the appropriate time and context. It encourages patience in recognizing the beauty in the world.

Proverbs 31:30:

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

This verse underscores the idea that physical beauty is fleeting and should not be the primary focus. Instead, it highlights the value of a woman’s reverence for the Lord and her character, which are more praiseworthy and enduring qualities.

New Testament Verses on Beauty

1 Peter 3:3

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.”

Bible Verses About Beauty Divine Reflections

1 Peter 3:4

“Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

According to the Bible, beauty should not be derived from external adornment and splendor, such as wearing various decorations with wide hair, gold ornaments, or fine expensive clothes. Therefore, it should always be in your heart. The beauty of your calm, contented, gentle, and calm heart is unparalleled, which is far more valuable and real beauty in the eyes of God.

Songs of songs 4:7

“All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”

Every man of love has no fault in his beloved. All in all, his favorite people are flawless and the most beautiful.

Proverbs 31:30

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

All kinds of trinkets are fraudulent, and extravagant beauty is makeshift, but those who fear God should be eulogized.

Isaiah 60:1

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.”

You have come to light, for the glory of the Lord has come upon you. Get up, be enlightened by the light.

1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things human beings look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

Samuel knew from the Lord that people should not judge people by their appearance or height because people reject them in wise judgment. The Lord does not judge people by their appearance. In lieu of glancing at the corporal or external physiognomy of the human being, he observed the form of the bosom.

Psalm 139:13

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Psalm 139:14

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Good Bible Verses About Beauty

The Lord has created the entity in your heart, and He has woven you together as embryos in your mother’s womb. So you will admire him because skillfully and amazingly he made you, his work is wonderful, you know it perfectly well. 

1 Timothy 2:9

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes.”

The Lord wants all women to choose their outfits with modesty and modesty, not with elaborate hairstyles or with gold or silver, diamonds or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good works and kindness, while you worship God. Must become fit.

2 Corinthians 4:16

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

You will not lose Courage and will not be upset. Even though you are getting lost on the outside, you will become completely new on the inside from day to day.

Isaiah 40:8

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” 

The green grass dries up and turns gray, and the blossoming flower fades away, but the word of God is everlasting.

Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

All of you are the work of God’s hands, buried in Christ Jesus only to preach good works and good, which God has prepared in advance for your observance.

Matthew 6:25

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?”

God Himself has said to you, do not be engrossed in self-interest, do not think about what you will eat or drink, how your life will go, how much you will have a glorious life, or what you will wear on your body and on it. Life is not more than food, and the body is not more than body wear. 

Genesis 1:27

“So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

God created the whole human race in His own image, God created you by his own sculpture, he created all of you, men and women likewise.

Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

Whatever is true, noble, correct, pure, beautiful, and praiseworthy – even if it is beautiful and praiseworthy – you will still think of the things of truth, mahatma, right, holiness and beauty. 

Romans 8:6

“The mind controlled by the sinful nature is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.”

Nice Bible Verses About Beauty

The mind controlled by carnalness and lust is equal to death, but the reason controlled by the Holy Spirit is the source of primordial life and peace.

Matthew 6:28

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.”

Why do you think about the life of the wearer? Look around and see how new flowers are blooming in the field without any labor or movement.

Matthew 6:29

“Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

God tells you not to think about clothes; even Solomon, in spite of all his splendor, did not take off his clothes.

Scripture About Beauty

Psalm 27:4 (NIV):

“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.”

This verse expresses the idea that the ultimate source of beauty is found in the presence of the Lord. It emphasizes the importance of seeking a close relationship with God above all else, recognizing God’s beauty as the most desirable thing.

Proverbs 31:30 (NIV):

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This verse reminds us that outward physical beauty is temporary and can be misleading, but inner qualities such as reverence for the Lord are worthy of praise. True beauty, according to this verse, is found in a person’s character and relationship with God.

Isaiah 52:7 (NIV):

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!'”

This verse speaks of the beauty of those who bring the message of peace and salvation. It highlights the beauty of spreading God’s word and the joy it brings to those who receive it.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV):

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

This verse suggests that God has a purpose and timing for everything, and there is beauty in the way things unfold according to His plan. It also reflects on the human longing for eternity and the beauty of God’s mysterious works throughout history.

Beauty Verses in Bible

1 Timothy 2:10

“But with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

Women should always dress modestly and modestly. Women should dress beautifully, but not with hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with purity and beauty of the heart.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

God has made everything in the world beautiful with his time. The Lord has placed eternal beauty in the hearts of all people, but no one in the world can understand what God has created from beginning to end.

Galatians 3:26

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.”

Galatians 3:27

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

Worship of Christ Jesus through faith. May you all be children of the love of God.

Proverbs 3:15

“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.”

Proverbs 3:16

“Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.”

He is more precious than many precious gems or diamonds; the gift of the Lord cannot be compared to what you want. Long life is the gift of God in his left hand; Wealth and honor in his right hand.

Proverbs 3:17

“Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace.”

Proverbs 3:18

“She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed.”

The paths of God’s ideals are always pleasing, and all his paths give people a source of peace. Blessed are those who hold fast to him, those who hold faith in him, and those who keep him and his way.

Ezekiel 28:17

“Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings.”

Best Bible Verses About Beauty

If your heart becomes too proud for your outward beauty and you defile your knowledge for the splendor of your wealth. But the Lord will throw you to the ground.

Ezekiel 28:18

“By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching.”

The Lord has seen you before kings. Those who have defiled the sanctuaries of your Lord with many sins and evil deeds. So the Lord caused the fire to come out of them and devoured you, and everyone saw that the Lord had reduced you to ashes before their eyes.

James 1:23

“Those who listen to the word but do not do what it says are like people who look at their faces in a mirror.”

Anyone who hears the word of the Lord but does not do what he is commanded to do is like one who does not look in the mirror.

Matthew 23:28

“In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”

Sinful people are often considered righteous on the outside, but on the inside, they are full of pretense and immorality.

Psalm 50:2

“From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.”

God shines From Zion. Gains perfection of beauty.

Proverbs 6:25

“Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.”

Don’t have a longing for her beauty in your heart, and do not let the evil take you captive by her lashes instead of the woman.

Psalm 27:4

“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.”

The only thing you can do is, ask your God what you needed from him or wanted throughout life. You must live in the groove of the Lord, having days of your entire life, see the attachment of the mighty Lord, and explorer of his shrine.

Song of Solomon 1:15

“How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves.”

You look beautiful, my dear, you are eternally beautiful; Your eyes are white like a dove and a symbol of holiness.

Bible Verses About Beauty of Woman

Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This verse emphasizes that outward beauty is fleeting and superficial, but a woman’s reverence and devotion to God are far more valuable and worthy of praise.

Song of Solomon 4:7: “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

In the context of the Song of Solomon, this verse expresses the deep affection and admiration between a bride and bridegroom. It serves as a metaphor for the profound love and appreciation that should exist within a marital relationship.

1 Peter 3:3-4: “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”

This verse encourages women to prioritize inner qualities like a gentle and humble spirit over external adornments. It highlights the lasting beauty found in character and godliness.

Psalm 45:11: “And the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him.”

This verse is metaphorical and speaks of the beauty of the bride who is desired by the king. It symbolizes the relationship between Christ (the King) and the Church (the bride), illustrating the spiritual beauty of believers in Chris

Bible Verse Pretty

Isaiah 52:7

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

He gives good news, He gives peace, He gives good news, He gives salvation, Always remember your God reigns. He also told this to Zion.

Ezekiel 16:14

“And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign LORD.”

Your fame may spread among the nations for your beauty, for the glory which the Lord has given you has been perfected, declared by the Lord God.

Isaiah 62:3

“You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God.”

You were pleasant to stare at. You look beautiful, my dear; you are eternally beautiful; Your eyes are white like a dove and a symbol of holiness.

Proverbs 31:10

“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

Only if you look for a beautiful woman in your heart can you find a good wife. In fact, it is far more expensive than gorgeous gemstones.

Zechariah 9:17

“How attractive and beautiful they will be! Grain will make the young men thrive, and new wine the young women.”

Amazing Bible Verses About Beauty

Beauty should not be derived from external adornment and splendor! The grain of the Lord’s world will enrich young men, and new wine will make young women.

Esther 2:7

“Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah, whom he had brought up because she had neither father nor mother. This young woman, who was also known as Esther, had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Mordecai had taken her as his own daughter when her father and mother died.”

You all see the glory of the Lord with wide-open eyes, and you are transformed into one image of Him from one level of devotion to another. She was the epitome of a beautiful young girl, and she was pleasant to stare at, and when her procreator departed, Mordecai bore her as his offspring. 

Genesis 12:11

As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, “I know what a beautiful woman you are.”

Lord, when he went to enter Egypt, he also told his wife Sarai that he too confessed, and everyone else knew that she (Sarai) was a beautiful woman inside out.

2 Corinthians 3:18

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

You all see the glory of the Lord with wide-open eyes, and you are transformed into one image of Him from one level of devotion to another. Because of the strength of this soul, comes from the Lord.

Isaiah 61:3

“And provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called mighty oaks, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”

Beauty should not be derived from external adornment and splendor. For those who mourn in Zion, a beautiful title instead of ashes, and you are transformed into one image of him from one level of devotion to another. Because of the strength of this soul, oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of accolade instead of this, is a quiet soul.

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

God always heals the broken hearts of all his children and binds their wounds.

Psalm 34:5

“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Those people who look upon mighty Gods are eternally and extremely happy, and their visages will never be cleansed. 

Genesis 29:17

“Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful.”

The Lord rejoices over his people and rejoices over his people; He equips the humble with the gift of deliverance.

Song of Solomon 2:2

“Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women.”

As the dormant lily in the bamboo bush, so your healthy love in the young lady.

2 Samuel 14:25

“In all Israel there was not a man so highly praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom. From the top of his head to the sole of his foot there was no blemish in him.”

Wonderful Bible Verses About Beauty

There was no one in all of Israel to praise Absalom for his good looks. According to the Bible, beauty should not be derived from external adornment and splendor. 

1 Chronicles 16:29

“Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.”

Declare his glory in the name of Yahweh. Make lifelike an offering and come before the Lord! Worship God sincerely in the glory of holiness.

Psalm 149:4

“For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.”

The Lord rejoices over his people and rejoices over his people; He equips the humble with the gift of deliverance.

Proverbs 31:1

“The sayings of King Lemuel – an inspired utterance his mother taught him.”

Proverbs 31:2

“Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!”

Proverbs 31:3

“Do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings.”

Proverbs 31:4

“It is not for kings, Lemuel – it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer.”

Proverbs 31:5

“Lest they drink and forget what has been decreed, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.”

Proverbs 31:6

“Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish!”

Proverbs 31:7

“Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.”

Proverbs 31:8

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”

Proverbs 31:9

“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

According to the king of Lemuel, a saying which his mother had taught him a long time ago. What is Lemuel doing as a mother’s son? What are you doing as a child in your mother’s womb? What are you doing, my dear son? Surrender your power to women, do not give your way to the destroyers of kings.

Son Lemuel, drinking wine for kings is not for the adornment of kings; the poisonous purpose of rulers is not to drink the stagnant strong drink, lest they drink and forget what the Lord has commanded, and do to all the losers.

Bible Verses on Nature’s Beauty

Psalm 19:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

This verse acknowledges that the beauty of nature, particularly the skies and heavens, serves as a testament to God’s divine creation. It emphasizes that the natural world reflects God’s glory and craftsmanship.

Matthew 6:28-29 –

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

In this verse, Jesus encourages his followers to appreciate the beauty of the flowers in the field. He uses them as an example of how God provides for even the smallest details in creation, surpassing the splendor of King Solomon’s attire.

Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

This verse is from the creation account in Genesis, emphasizing that everything God created, including the natural world, was declared “very good.” It underscores the inherent beauty and goodness of God’s creation.

Job 12:7-10 –

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?”

Job’s words highlight that even the creatures and elements of nature recognize the hand of God in their existence. They serve as teachers, revealing God’s wisdom and artistry in the natural world.

Romans 1:20 –

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

This verse underscores that the beauty and intricacies of nature reveal God’s eternal power and divine nature. It suggests that by observing the natural world, people can come to recognize God’s existence and attributes.

Prettiest Bible Verses

Esther 2:1

“Later when King Xerxes’ fury had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what he had decreed about her.”

Fine  Bible Verses About Beauty

Esther 2:2

Then the king’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the king.”

Esther 2:3

“Let the king appoint commissioners in every province of his realm to bring all these beautiful young women into the harem at the citadel of Susa. Let them be placed under the care of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women; and let beauty treatments be given to them.”

Esther 2:4

Then let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” This advice appealed to the king, and he followed it.” 

Esther 2:5

“Now there was in the citadel of Susa a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, named Mordecai son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish.”

Esther 2:6

“Who had been carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, among those taken captive with Jehoiachin king of Judah.”

Well Bible Verses About Beauty

When King Ahasuerus’s anger subsided, he remembered Basti and what he had done and what was commanded against him. Then the young men and women of the king who were present with him said, “Look for the beautiful young virgins for the king. 

And see the empowerment there, for all the power in the kingdoms of the many kingdoms, to gather in the harem of the king’s eunuch Hegai, to gather the beautiful policewoman Susa in the harem of the king of his kingdom. Give them their cosmetics. And the one who pleases the king should be made queen instead of the slum dweller. He addressed my soiled verses to the almighty king. In She’s fortress, there was the name of Idihu whose name was Mordecai, son of Gir, son of Shimei, son of Kish, and son of Benjamin.

Psalm 45:1

“For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” Of the Sons of Korah. A maskil. A wedding song. My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.”

Psalm 45:2

“You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever.”

Psalm 45:3

“Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty.”

Psalm 45:4

“In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.”

Psalm 45:5

“Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet.”

Mighty God’s heart flooded with a delectable affair; he addressed my soiled verses to the almighty king. And my dialect is like a well-known writer’s passionate pen. Every man of love has no fault in his beloved. All in all, his favorite people are flawless and the most beautiful. According to Lilis to the Quarmaster. A Maskil of Korah’s children; a love song. The Mighty One, fasten his word to your thigh in your majesty and glory! Tracing triumphantly in his loftiness for truth, humility, and righteousness. Let his right hand do great work! Your bank goes to the bosom of the king’s opponents; people decline underneath you.

Isaiah 4:2

“In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel.”

Every man of love has no fault in his beloved. All in all, his favorite people are flawless and the most beautiful. According to the Bible, beauty should not be derived from external adornment and splendor.

1 Samuel 25:1

“Now Samuel died, and all Israel assembled and mourned for him; and they buried him at his home in Ramah. Then David moved down into the Desert of Paran.”

1 Samuel 25:2

“A certain man in Maon, who had property there at Carmel, was very wealthy. He had a thousand goats and three thousand sheep, which he was shearing in Carmel.”

1 Samuel 25:3

“His name was Nabal and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and beautiful woman, but her husband was surly and mean in his dealings – he was a Calebite.”

1 Samuel 25:4

“While David was in the wilderness, he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.”

Blooming  Bible Verses About Beauty

1 Samuel 25:5

So he sent ten young men and said to them, “Go up to Nabal at Carmel and greet him in my name.”

There Samuel is no longer available. And all believers in Israel yammered for Samuel and buried his lifeless body in the soil of his pleasant house at Ramah. And David arose and departed into the wilderness of Paran.


In conclusion, the Bible says that real beauty isn’t about how you look on the outside. Instead, it’s about being a good person, loving God, and showing kindness and love to others. Your character and your relationship with God matter more than how pretty you are. That’s what the Bible teaches about beauty.

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