How Can I Do Meditation at Home: 23+ Useful Tips

Meditation is a very effective technique that has been around for centuries. It comes with a host of benefits ranging from stress and anxiety relief to enhanced well-being, proper sleep, and a healthier lifestyle.

Nowadays, almost all doctors and important figures, in each and every sphere of life recommend meditation.

Type of Meditation at Home:

  • 1 Mindfulness Meditation: Sit quietly, pay attention to your breath or how your body feels, and don’t judge your thoughts.
  • 2 Guided Meditation: Listen to someone’s recorded instructions to relax or reduce stress.
  • 3 Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta): Think of kind thoughts for yourself and others, like wishing for happiness and health.
  • 4 Body Scan Meditation: Focus on different body parts one by one, starting from your toes, to relax and feel your body better.
  • 5 Transcendental Meditation (TM): Quietly repeat a special word or phrase to relax deeply.
  • 6 Breathing Exercises: Practice different ways of breathing to calm down, like slow, deep breaths or breathing through one nostril at a time.
  • 7 Zen Meditation (Zazen): Sit still, focus on your breath or a tricky question to gain insight.

How To Start meditating at home.

Figure out your motivation

First, figure out why you want to meditate. What is the sole reason behind meditation? Is it because you want to decrease your anxiety levels, or be more focused? Is it because you want to get rid of chronic disease?

Figuring out your reason for meditating is the best way to start the meditational practice and once you do so, you’ll be able to understand which type of meditation is the best suited to fulfill your purpose.

How to find your motivation to meditate

Work your way up from little

As a beginner starting small and working the way up is the best way to begin your meditation. Even 2-3 minutes in the early stages of your regular meditation is really useful in calming you down and relieving you from stress, even though it sounds super short.

Once you get a proper grip over your mind and can focus on the breath more, start going for longer sessions. Meditators suggest that quality is crucial rather than the length of the session.

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Pick a suitable time to meditate every day 

While meditating at home, choose a specific time you are willing to devote only to meditation daily. Early morning is a persisting favorite time for all meditators. 

You are at your best in the early morning; you have the entire day to make the most of it. It’s quiet and calming, with the chirping of the birds as an add-on. Also, the early mornings come with very little or no interruptions.

Search for a convenient place, away from distractions, and a suitable position

One of the best methods to meditate in the comfort of your home is by opting for a quiet place away from all kinds of distractions. Make sure to decorate your personal space the way you want, so it is more appealing to you and prevents it from looking messy and clumsy.

Also, try to figure out the position that works best for you. Find a position wherein your spine is aligned and you’re comfortable, whether it’s on the floor, or on a chair, or on a cushion.

How to make a room perfect for meditation

Focus on being focused

Whatever form of meditation you practice, there will be distractions of some sort, like sounds, odor, itching, being tense, feeling thirsty, etc.

Furthermore, the mind will produce distractions on its own like to-do lists, daydreaming, pending works, and so on.

When meditating at home, learn to make space the way you want it, away from distractions and focus your attention on your breathing.

Simply acknowledge the distractions and go back to inhaling and exhaling.

Wear comfortable and light clothes

You wouldn’t want something to be a resistance between you and your meditation. Wearing restrictive clothes like tight t-shirts and jeans might pull you back and prevent the free movement of your body.

That is why it is always advised to wear light and comfy clothes that hug your body softly and allow relaxation, allowing complete concentration towards your meditation.

Set a timer

At the beginner’s level, 2-3 minutes is enough, but 3 mins of absolute focus on your breath can feel like a long time, and it is very easy to get distracted. You might want to check the clock frequently.

This kind of distraction may result in the meditation not being fruitful. To avoid this, set a timer on your mobile or stopwatch, to know exactly when your 3 minutes are up, without having to check the time again and again.

Sit on the chair or on your cushion with a straight back

Stay as erect as possible while meditating. This helps in focusing on the breath better, as you’re in an attentive posture. Even if you are sitting on a chair with a backrest, make sure not to lean back or slouch. Sit upright, no matter where you sit to meditate.

Position your legs in the most comfortable way, whether extended forward or crossed beneath you like a pretzel. Just make sure to stay erect, to be attentive.

Don’t fidget with your hands

In many tutorials, we see that the hand should rest on the knees while meditating, but if that is uncomfortable with you, let them be in whichever way you are most comfortable with.

Let the hands just rest on your lap, or let them hang down the sides, it does not matter. What matters is that you’re comfortable and the outcome of the meditation is fruitful.

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Tilt the chin in such a way as if you are looking downwards

No matter whether your eyes are closed or open while you are meditating, though some people find it easier to meditate by keeping their eyes closed as it helps them to ignore distractions of various kinds, try to move your head downwards. 

This will in turn help you to open up the chest and facilitate better breathing. And better breathing results in more focus toward it, and fruitful meditational results.

Keep your mouth closed while breathing

You should always inhale and exhale from your nose, while meditating, by keeping your mouth closed.

However, make sure your jaw muscles are relaxed. Don’t clench your jaws too hard or grind the teeth. Simply stay relaxed.

Focus on your respiration

While meditating, your entire focus should be on your breathing rather than any other thoughts. A random thought popping up is quite natural but overcoming it is what leads to quality meditation.

Instead of letting stressful thoughts grasp you, focus your attention completely on your breathing. While concentrating only on inhalation and exhalation, other wandering thoughts fall away on their own.

Observe your breathing but don’t analyze it

The actual goal of meditating is to be able to be present within each breath, not explain it. You shouldn’t worry about remembering what you are feeling in the present moment, or even think about feeling the same way at some other point of time.

Live in the moment and be able to experience each breath. Try experiencing each breath through your senses, not your mind. When the breath is passing, experience the next breath.

Bring the focus back every time your mind wanders

Even after you have much experience with meditating, you will notice that your mind wanders. It is a natural process for the mind to get distracted.

Whenever you notice your mind being subjected to distractions, don’t panic; try to ignore them. Focus on your breathing by counting “one”, “two”, and so on, every time you inhale. Try this method of counting on your breaths.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Every time you sit to meditate, you will experience thoughts that will distract you and break your concentration. You will feel your mind telling you something, while you are trying hard to focus. This is known as “mind chatter”, and it’s quite natural.

Every time this happens, make sure not to be harsh on yourself and go easy with what comes your way. Developing a friendly attitude towards yourself is the best you can do to combat wandering thoughts.

Start introducing movement after meditating

Yes, meditating is about staying focused and being still, but as you get more comfortable with meditation, start to introduce certain movements to it, at the end of your meditation session.

For example, you can move your hands and feet gently and even stretch your arms and legs. It will help to ease the body, and the muscles, that were stationary for a long-time during meditation.

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Learn to accept your emotions

After meditation, it is not mandatory that you will feel happy; you might as well feel a bit down. Meditation brings up both happy and sad emotions. This happens so that you can better recognize what your emotions actually are.

You might even take a moment to thank yourself and be proud that you devoted time to it, and put in efforts, to ensure the outcome is genuine in the near future. 

Benefits of regular meditation

Don’t hesitate to come back again the next day

Yes, you may not feel the best after meditating the first day. It might feel like another task you must add to your daily routine. But, the results of meditation are seen to be the best when done daily.

You are meditating at the comfort of your home, don’t miss out on meditating every single day to ensure the outcome of devoting some minutes every day, is not going to waste.

Start the same way again the following day

Meditation should be done the exact same way every day. You should be sitting in the same place and start meditating simultaneously to ensure fruitful results.

Meditation should become a habit, rather than a task. Everything can vary a bit like you might start after a few minutes someday or when you are not at your home, you might have to meditate somewhere else, but make sure you don’t fail to do it every day. 


It is very clear that meditation, even though it might seem daunting in the beginning, is a very peaceful and soothing exercise to practice if you really want to see improvements in your life. It comes with many benefits and is very easy to do when the correct guidelines are followed.

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