217+ Journal Prompts for Healing: From Hurt to Healing

The finest writing exercises for healing aren’t always as difficult or profound as you would imagine. Sometimes all we need to get started on the path of processing our sorrow and pain and pursuing healing are open-ended questions or statements.

Journal Prompts for Healing

Whether it’s for recovering from traumatic situations or improving your physical health, we’ve put together more than 100 prompts to support you wherever you are in your recovery path.

Some are more focused on certain kinds of hurt or pain, while others are left blank for you to add your own experiences. Use them any way you choose by taking them!

– How do you feel right now about who you are?

– Compose a letter of support for your body.

– Address a letter of support to your mind.

– What emotions and sentiments do you feel the most frequently?

– What do you hope you would remember when things are tough?

Journal Prompts For Healing

– What have been some of the most significant turning points in your recovery thus far?

– What areas of your life have been the most negatively impacted by your pain?

– To better prepare yourself for what you’ve been through, what do you wish you could go back and tell yourself?

– How would you encourage yourself if you were speaking to someone else?

– Where do you hope to be in a month regarding your healing? One year?

– Create a list of the positive aspects of yourself.

– Compile a list of unanticipated or minor items that have aided you in your recovery process? Then express gratitude to them.

– What steps can you take this week to advance your recovery and self-discovery?

– What could you change for the better in your own life?

– Describe a situation that eventually helped you grow.

– What are the most significant lessons you’ve discovered thus far in your healing?

– When do you feel the most liberated and alive?

– Are there any emotions you’re reserving because you think they’ll be too intense, harsh, or raw to handle?

– What recent lessons have you discovered about yourself due to your healing?

– Which moment in your life would you like to revisit if you could travel back in time?

– What do you worry about the future the most?

– What aspect of the future most interests you?

– What will signal the “end” of your healing process?

– What have you learned from your suffering?

– Make ten affirmations for yourself that are pertinent to your current stage of healing.

– What could you be doing to improve your life’s tranquility?

– I would be further along in my recovery process if I eliminated (fill in the blank) from my life.

Journal Prompts For Healing From Hurt To Healing
Related: Journal Prompt For Anxiety

– I would be further along in my recovery process if I added (fill in the blank) to my life.

– What is something you want to undertake but are unsure about?

– What do you understand by unconditional love and support?

– Who taught you the meaning of unconditional love when you were at your lowest?

– List the five facets of your identity (personality, habits, connections, and interests) that have altered due to your suffering and healing process.

– I’m hoping for… today.

– I’m aiming for today…

– What one blessing have you received during this time of healing?

– In light of this event or obstacle, what ideas, feelings, or energy have you been holding on to?

– What would you want to think, feel, or feel instead?

– List three affirmations that promote a good attitude. Every morning or as frequently as you can, say them out loud.

– Has this experience or difficulty taught you anything?

– Is there anyone you still need to pardon? If the answer is yes, write them a letter outlining your sentiments and stating that you are prepared to let go of the ideas or emotions.

– Are there any mistakes you need to make amends for? If so, create a thorough letter to oneself that is also personal.

 Best Journal Prompts For Healing

– My narrative and who I am will no longer be defined by ___________________ because I have chosen to be a warrior.

Related: Journal Prompt For Teen

Shadow Work Prompts for Healing

  • 1 “What do I keep hidden about myself?”
  • 2 “When do I feel not so good about myself?”
  • 3 “What keeps happening that I want to change?”
  • 4 “What past stuff still bothers me?”
  • 5 “What bad thoughts about me hold me back?”
  • 6 “What parts of me do I not like?”
  • 7 “How do I react when I feel bad?”
  • 8 “What makes me feel really upset?”
  • 9 “How would things be if I felt better about all of me?”
  • 10 “What can I do to feel better and be okay with everything?”

Journal Prompts for Emotional Healing

– I am not what I have experienced; rather, I am what I choose to be:

– What are three concrete actions you can take right now to create more serenity and pleasure in your life?

– Give us five uplifting words that sum up who you are.

– I’m prepared to continue living my life because I merit.

– If my best friend were experiencing the same difficulties, I would inform him/her 

– I have no control over the future or the past, but I make the decision to.

 Amazing Journal Prompts For Healing

– Compose a letter to your future self. Describe who you are and how you want your life to be. How you are, how you feel, how you’ve advanced, etc.

– Do you believe you have let yourself down in some way?

– How can you start forgiving yourself?

– What harm are the secrets you’re keeping from others doing to you?

– Are you prepared to identify the causes of your suffering? If not, why not?

– Do you look back on errors you’ve made with compassion or with judgment?

– For what do you need to extend forgiveness to your younger self?

– What do you need to learn more about or know how to do? What is keeping you from learning or knowing?

– What frustrations or anger are you clinging to, and why?

– Who and why do you need to forgive?

– What interactions with other people have you had that you think are still affecting you?

– Whom and why have you harmed?

– How can you compensate for the harm you’ve done to others?

– Do you feel angry with God because of something that has happened in your life? Why?

– What qualities do you value in yourself that others appear to find fault with?

– What events in your neighborhood, nation, or the world are causing you pain or confusion?

– Who do you want in your life to be a support? What’s holding you back from pursuing this person?

Great Journal Prompts For Healing
Related: Journal Prompt For Self Love

– How can you positively contribute to the healing and suffering you witness?

– What must you let go of that you are powerless to change?

– What worries are caused by circumstances outside of your control?

– Which unforeseen events outside your control stress you out the most?

– How can you utilize your pain and hurt to improve things or assist someone else?

– What have you been putting off recently?

– List three items that improve your day and explain why they do so.

– Address a letter to a person who has disappointed or wounded you. They don’t need to get it from you.

– Who are some of the people who taught you or showed unconditional love, and what influence has it had on your life today?

– What goals do you have for the future?

– Consider a person who has seriously injured you in the past. Find a way to accept them and be tolerant of them. (In order for your mind to recover.)

– How different might your life have been years ago if a straightforward decision (like not attending college) had been made?

– List the top five characteristics that define you (personality traits, hobbies, etc.)

– If I were to pinpoint just one feeling that appears to reside within my own being, it would be…

– How long have I been feeling this way?

– From where may it have originated?

– What is my greatest worry when I think about this feeling and this period of my life? Who or what do I think I am?

– How might I start to love and soften this terrified part of myself?

– What pursuits deepen my sense of inner peace?

– What conditions, persons, or situations appear to make me feel this way?

– What is the most important lesson you have discovered about yourself in the last 12 months?

Positive Journal Prompts For Healing

– What reassures me of my safety?

– How do I want to feel when I start?

– Where can I start letting go?

Related: Journal Prompt For Daily

Trauma Healing Journal Prompts

  1. “What’s something from the past that still bothers me?”
  2. “How does this make me see myself and the world?”
  3. “What feelings do I connect with this?”
  4. “What ways do I handle tough feelings because of this?”
  5. “How does this affect how I get along with others?”
  6. “What reminds me of this bad memory?”
  7. “What things help me feel better and safe?”
  8. “What can I do to feel better about this over time?”
  9. “Who can I talk to about this as I heal?”
  10. “How can I be nice to myself while dealing with this?”

Healing Writing Prompts

– What limitations must be imposed before my wellness may return?

– How does happiness feel like?

– How does well-being appear?

– What is causing you the greatest angst at the moment?

– Who injured you, and what transpired?

– Write down some self-care strategies for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

– List three activities you can do today to improve your mood.

– What do you most need to get your life back on track?

– Which words must you hear spoken?

– Are there any circumstances preventing a full recovery?

– What aspects of the situation(s) hurting you are beyond your control?

– If there was anything you might have done differently, what are your regrets, and how can you forgive yourself if there are?

– Describe your network of friends, family, animals, and neighbors.

– What adjustments must you make in your life moving forward?

– What phobias from the past may be banished?

– What changes can you make to your way of life to promote healing?

– In what ways are you preventing yourself from healing?

– Write down some affirmations of your own worth and love.

– What does forgiveness mean to you, and how will you practice it?

– How can your past experiences inspire you to do more in the future?

– What do you still need to comprehend or are unsure of?

Related: Manifestation Journal Prompt

– What healing powers does your spirituality have?

– What recent lessons have you discovered about yourself due to your healing?

Good Journal Prompts For Healing

– How can others aid in your recovery? Who can?

– What positive ideas would you want to think of?

– What do you now feel most appreciative for?

– Describe your current state of healing.

– Compose a few encouraging words for yourself.

– What are your aspirations for the future of your life?

– Write out some strategies for altering your cognitive processes.

– What lessons have you drawn from the past?

– How might others benefit from your experiences?

– What currently inspires you?

– What do you think about the future?

– What do I genuinely want out of life and for myself?

– What prevents or restricts me from achieving these goals in my life?

– Do you genuinely think your life can go on like this?

– What are my guiding principles and inner convictions?

– Are these fundamental principles something I desire to live by?

– Where did these principles originate?

– Do you now live by these fundamental principles? How?

– What or who motivates you?

– What kind of impact do you hope to have on the world?

– Do you believe that your life is being lived by your highest calling? Whether or not

– What major events or circumstances in your life caused you mental or physical trauma?

– What struggles did you face during this period?

– What have the horrific experiences you’ve had taught you? Provide specifics for each item.

Related: Journal Prompt For Adult

Journal Prompts for Self Love and Healing

  • 1 “What do I like about me?”
  • 2 “How can I be nice to myself today?”
  • 3 “What bad thoughts about me can I change?”
  • 4 “What things in the past can I forgive myself for?”
  • 5 “What makes me happy?”
  • 6 “What rules can I make to keep myself safe?”
  • 7 “What would I say to a friend? How can I say it to myself?”
  • 8 “How can I celebrate things I’ve done?”
  • 9 “What should I forget to feel better?”
  • 10 “How can I talk to myself kindly?”

Self Healing Prompts

– How do you decide what to do? Where do I draw my decisions from?

– Do you approve of the choices you have made in life? Otherwise, which ones/why?

– Do you feel content when you go to sleep at night? Why?

– How do you deal with your emotions daily? Do they control you?

– Do I accept responsibility for my errors?

– How would it feel to forgive yourself for all that happened in the past right now? Why?

– Which five of your greatest strengths? What areas of my life am I not utilizing them in that I ought to be?

– Keep a gratitude notebook to contemplate and express thankfulness every day.

– Use your Journal to go further into your own thoughts.

– Use circles and trackers to help you keep track of your behaviors and emotions.

– Make lists, such as “100 things I’m grateful for” or “50 locations I’d like to go.”

– Intersperse your normal diary entries with short poems.

– Write in a stream-of-consciousness style, letting the words come as they may.

– Write a letter to yourself that you will keep private and then either save, cut up, or burn.

– Write a diary entry as an alphabet from A to Z as your initial beginning point.

-What are the most significant lessons you’ve discovered thus far in your healing?

Powerful Journal Prompts For Healing

– Consider a painful situation in your life and explore it thoroughly while writing honestly about it. Ask more inquiries and be interested in the reasons behind it and your feelings. Try to reach a self-reflective position where you can consider the situation and how to go past the problems. (Perform this for every problem independently.)

– Write about the conversation that is now occurring in your brain.

– Describe why you are keeping a diary and what you hope to gain from it.

– Describe the persons in your life that you admire and look up to in your writing. What qualities do you find inspiring or admirable about them? How do these individuals affect you?

– Write about your early years and the recollections you have of them. Examine if these recollections are good or bad. What role did they have in the person you are today?

– Look at the areas or items you feel are lacking in your life. Examine your reactions to these items. How can this be altered? Are they occurring for a purpose?

– Make a list of the things you wish to do this year. Break it into manageable projects for the upcoming months or years, and explain what you’ll need to complete them.

– Consider: What would you want most in the world if you could only have three wishes, and why?

– Draw or draw a picture of someone or something, then write a description of it.

– What are the limits you lack in your life? Who does this affect in your immediate area, why, and how? What negative effects are they having on your life? What do you think about why you don’t have enough limits in these situations? What can you do to begin changing these? What would it feel like to accomplish this?


Journal prompts for healing are like friendly helpers when we’re going through hard times. They make us think about things that hurt and how we can feel better. By writing, we can understand our feelings and start to be nicer to ourselves. These prompts show us the way to feeling happier and stronger, even when things are tough.

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Healing Journal Prompts

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