237+ May Journal Prompts: Embrace Self-Reflection and Growth

You may use journaling to improve attention and reduce anxiety. You might need something to help you concentrate on your inner thoughts, and this May diary prompts can be it.

The daily writing prompts for the month of May are listed below. Most of the writing prompts are connected to the numerous events listed on our May events calendar. Birthdays, holidays, observances regularly, and historical dates are among these occasions.

Journal Prompts for May

May Journal Prompts

Although May Day is one of the most enjoyable spring holidays, it is occasionally disregarded. Pick your favorite springtime rituals, such as making May Day baskets, bonfires, or flower collections. Outline your ideal May Day party or any enjoyable May Day recollections you have.

-Select a spring flower to represent your personality, and then explain your choice.

-What dessert brings back fond memories for you, and what about it makes you think of spring?

-National Pet Week is the first full week in May! Write a narrative about getting a new dog or cat that has a hidden language.

-Make your mother a Mother’s Day coupon book.

-Describe your favorite season and the reasons you adore it.

-Construct a tale in which a summertime move-in for your family involves your favorite Star Wars character.

-Which do you prefer, May flowers or April showers?

-What comes to mind when you think about spring?

-Do you enjoy stomping around on grass without shoes? If not, why not?

-What are you anticipating this year?

-How do you feel about winter coming to an end?

-National Chocolate Chip Day is today, May 15! What often doesn’t have chocolate chips in it but ought to?

-Assume you could arrange a brief spring getaway anyplace. How about a destination?

-Which would you choose: a boat, an aircraft, or a car for two hours? Why?

May Journal Prompts

-It’s still early in the spring, so many plants are in various stages. What about this reminds you of a metaphor?

-Which season would you pick if you had to repeat one and spring was no longer around? Why?

-What additional holiday would you add if you could to May’s calendar?

-What occupation would you choose now if you were a college graduate?

-Has your personality evolved since you were a little child? What potential future changes do you see?

-Would you like to relocate to a different city for a fresh start? If not, why not?

-Establish five objectives for your family relationships this summer.

-In America, May is National Salad Month. Which would you choose to consume every day of your life: a smoothie or a salad? What flavor would it have?

-Create a tale about you taking up a wacky new activity for the season.

-In the spring, do you favor hot or cold beverages? Why?

-What do you like to do most when the weather becomes nice outside?

-Which TV show’s universe would you choose to spend the summer in if you could? Why?

-Consider making a cake using just two ingredients. Which components would you pick?

-Are you more of a hare or a tortoise? Why?

-Which podcast do you really enjoy? What aspects of it do you like?

May Journal Prompts

-How does May’s energy make you feel?

-How can you assert your authority this month?

-What was April’s mood?

-Do you have any feelings that you need to process because of May?

-When you’re feeling anxious or overburdened, how can you force yourself to return to the present?

-What recent act of kindness have you shown your body?

-What is it about the work that you love? What do you enjoy most about not working while you’re not working?

-Which present has been the best one you’ve ever received?

-Evaluate this May against last May. What’s different now? What hasn’t changed at all?

-What is something you find challenging to do? Is there a way to simplify it?

-What doors can you open in your life?

-What new knowledge have you gained recently?

-What can you do to help others?

-List three things for which you are thankful today.

-How can you showcase your creativity?

-What are you now reading?

-What would you accomplish if you could accomplish anything in the world? What’s holding you back?

May Journal Prompts

-How do you begin each day? Do you think this is helping you, or do you want to modify it?

-How have your recent slumbers been?

-Describe a dream that has been bothering you.

-Address a letter of gratitude to your parents. Keep it to yourself or send it.

-How have you felt recently?

-Who is your neighborhood?

-Describe the ideal weekend for you.

-What is a piece of advice you previously received that you still remember? Who told you, exactly?

-What are you currently working on and enthused about?

-What outdoor activities can you plan for this week?

-How do you spend your evenings? Does it help you?

-How can you constantly remind yourself that you are competent, present, and sufficient?

Explain love.

-What do you have planned for June that you are looking forward to?

-What are the three challenges I must overcome to follow my ideal routine?

May Journal Prompts

-Has your morning routine changed as a result of the lockdown?

-If so, is it beneficial to me or detrimental?

-What would be the best daily schedule for me?

-How am I spending my extra time these days?

-What I learned last month was new.

-Which error did you make most recently?

-During the lockdown, you aim to establish three good behaviors.

-Decide on 3 top priorities for this month.

-Give each priority some weight.

-What proportion of your time do you devote to each of your priorities?

-Make a list of the top three items you provide to people.

-Make a list of the top three things you wish to provide others.

-Have you been able to assist anyone at this time?

-Three things for which you currently feel grateful.

-You have recently discovered your secret gift.

-How can I use this gift to accomplish my own objectives?

-How long do you spend each day viewing or listening to Corona news?

-Three alternatives to spending excessive time viewing the news.

-What would you like to do if you had the opportunity to aid someone?

May Journal Prompts

Related: January Journal Prompts

May Daily Writing Prompts

  • 1 Write about your favorite thing to do outside in May. Why do you like it in this month?
  • 2 Write a letter to yourself in the future. Talk about what you want to do for the rest of the year.
  • 3 May is when flowers bloom. Make up a poem or story about pretty spring flowers.
  • 4 Pretend you can time travel, but only to things that happened in May in the past. Where and when would you go, and why?
  • 5 May is when we talk about mental health. Write about why it’s important and how we can keep our minds healthy.
  • 6 Write about a fun trip you took in May before. What was cool about it, and would you go again?
  • 7 If you could talk to a famous person from history who was born in May, who would it be, and what would you ask them?
  • 8 Tell a story about someone who finds a secret, magic garden in their neighborhood in May.
  • 9 May is when we celebrate Mother’s Day. Write a letter or a nice note to a mom or mother figure who’s been important to you.
  • 10 Describe a May evening in your favorite outdoor spot. What can you see, hear, and feel as the day turns into night?

May Journal Writing Prompts

May Journal Prompts

-Were there any plans you made but didn’t follow through on?

-Create a goal-setting method, then present it to your best buddy.

-Things for which you are thankful throughout the lockdown.

-List five activities you want to do when circumstances return to normal.

-Have you kept track of your physical and emotional well-being at home?

-List three adverse consequences you’ve noticed in the past month on your bodily and emotional well-being.

-What were the causes of such adverse outcomes?

-Create five self-affirmations in the positive.

-This month’s life motto would be.

-Your self-ratings, which you will assign after answering each question.

-What is your most crucial objective for this year? Was it different in January?

-What steps can you take to make May your “success month”? What three actions are you willing to do this month?

-What one goal do you have to accomplish this month?

-Describe the perfect day. How are you still managing this?

-What objective no longer fits you? Get rid of it.

-Create a May wish list.

-Describe three recent developments that have improved your physical and mental well-being.

May Journal Prompts

-Did you succeed in achieving a goal last month? How has it benefited you?

-Enumerate ten things that bring you joy.

-Develop a daily mantra to help you live a happy, prosperous life.

-Why do you insist on continuing to work on yourself?

-Are there any bad habits you can give up in May?

-What would your ideal self look like? How does she move, dress, and speak?

-How can you live a more contented life? Can you take any action, however tiny, make this happen?

-Do you hesitate to leave your comfort zone? Why is that so?

-Describe one improvement you made this year.

-What caused you to grin today?

-What makes May such an awesome month?

-What everyday blessings can you name right now?

-What is your most joyful memory?

-What do you appreciate most about your home?

-How can you give back this month to someone who is less fortunate than you?

-Address a letter to a person who has had a significant impact on your life.

-What dinner this week was your favorite?

-How do you feel about May?

-Tell us about a memorable day you had this month.

-What time of day is your favorite? What draws you to it?

-What do you like to do to unwind?

-To whom are you currently most grateful?

-Why do you cherish your house?

-What did you consider a given this month?

-What do you look for most in a partner?

-Which person cracks you up the most?

-Who pushes you the hardest?

-Whom or whom do you feel most comfortable being completely authentic with?

-Are you more of an introvert, extrovert, or a combination of the two? What impact does this have on your interpersonal relationships?

-How do you feel about requesting assistance from others?

-Who is the closest buddy you have? When you are with them, how do you feel?

-Make a list of all the individuals in your life for whom you are thankful.

-Which person do you avoid seeing? What emotions does this individual evoke?

-Who needs stronger limits from you?

-Do you recall your very first love interest? (Just for fun.

-Which friends would you most want to travel with in May?

-Do you have a particular individual you’d want to communicate with more frequently? (I still video call my Australian buddy once a month; distance is no longer a barrier to friendships.)

-What nice and compassionate deeds do you perform for others?

-In what ways do you anticipate being respected by others?

-What about your distinctive personality do you love the most?

-Which personality trait do you find the most challenging?

-How do you believe this year has been for you thus far?

-Which of the following has made you the happiest so far this year?

-Name one occasion that caused you to change an opinion or belief you formerly held.

-How are you faring in achieving your yearly objectives?

-What important lesson did you learn last year? What application are you making of this lesson?

-What one adjustment can you make this month to live a life that is more consistent with your values?

-What advice do you wish you could give your younger self?

-Write about your ideal day. What occurs, how are you feeling, where do you go, and who do you run into?

-What do you think is your finest attribute, according to your best friend?

-What brings you the most joy?

-Do you enjoy or detest leaving your comfort zone?

-My most cherished recollections of May days are…

-Describe your ideal getaway in May.

-When do you feel the most satisfied?

-What is your preferred method of unwinding?

-How do you recover from a difficult day?

-What fresh thoughts are sparked by your kids?

-In what way would you most want to begin each day? (This diary prompt inspired me to develop my basic morning routine.)

-Which family activity do you like the most in May?

-What dish from the season does your family like eating the most in May?

-Why is family a priority in your life?

-What do you enjoy best about spending time with your kids in the spring?

-What might you do this year to boost your child’s self-confidence?

-What are some ways you show yourself, love?

-Which mother do you admire the most?

-How can you, as a mother, be more purposeful?

-What do you have planned for the summer? (Vacations with the family, campfires, longer days).

-How have the relationships you now affected you?

Related: Journal Prompts For Teen


In May, these writing ideas help us think and be creative. They make us notice the pretty springtime and think about the past. We also remember our moms and talk about feeling good. These ideas are like a fun adventure through May, making us learn and feel new things along the way.

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May Journal Prompts

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