The power of faith does not discern between religious and non-religious people. Praying to a higher power can be incredibly positive.
It keeps us humble and connected to ourselves. We must look forward to the abundance in our lives and pray to the Lord to express our gratitude.
Powerful Prayers For The Abundance To Attract Wealth
-O Dear Father, it makes me feel so humbled and honored to know that I am a part of your mighty creation and exist amid your eternal abundance. Your bounty is infinite, and this Universe has always been my source of fulfillment. Thank you for always keeping me privileged.
-Beloved Lord, we are so thankful for the river of liveliness and abundance that flows through our life. It expresses its presence in our souls very lavishly. Being blessed by your Holy Spirit, my life is constantly supplied by the good things and qualities that can happen to a person.
-Precious Creator, I have often seen abundant opportunities come up through avenues from which I had never expected. I have been blessed in many ways that have always proven to me how God works miraculously in our lives to give us these privileges.
-O Lord Almighty, bless my mind and heart so that I can open myself more and embrace the abundance of good things that are yet to come in my life. Bless my eyes and ears so that I can see and listen to everything that is purely good around me.
-Holy Almighty, I submit myself humbly to you. Everything I am and everything I have is a part of your mighty Holy Spirit. Bless me so that I can always be devoted and live up to your expectations by using the abundance you have given me.
-Gracious God, in this world, nothing is impossible. Nothing can happen that is too wonderful and too unexpected. Living in this Universe created in the endurance of your holy love and kindness; everything can be done, keeping in mind that it must be done with a true and just purpose.
-Savior Beloved, I have always kept faith in you being our ultimate Provider and that this Universe is constantly working to keep us happy and comfortable. My reliability in your constant service keeps me away from being amazed at your capabilities and makes me more humble to your awesome powers.
-O Merciful Master, protect my mind and heart from being tormented by the past and the shortcomings I have had to suffer. Keep it away from overthinking about the future and thinking of what I may or may not have. Allow me to focus on the goodness in the present.
-Dear Almighty Protector, the abundance that this life has been blessed with gives me greater hope for the future. It tells me that better days are ahead, and I will continue to be privileged like this forever. I have immense belief in my faith and respect for your Holy Spirit.
-O Holy Spirit, bless my heart so that all fears and restrictions are eradicated from it, and I can set into my actions with a fearless, brave heart and a determined mindset. I feel deeply connected to this mighty Universe and sense I have a good rapport with you.
-Gracious Almighty, I trust my future in your hands and ask you to bless it with your divine abundance. Let there always be light and prosperity in all my endeavors. Bless me so I can keep proof of this abundance through my earthly and spiritual manifestations.
-Dear Blessed Almighty, I pray to you to constantly remind me that what I give into this life will be returned to me with a multi-fold increase. I will achieve magnificent profit and prosperity only when I trust this life fully and put all my efforts into making a difference.
-Loving Lord, I pray before your Divine Being, and I ask you to lift me in your holy heaven so that I can rise above my constricted stiff mindset and emotions to achieve a greater truth with a higher purpose that must be fulfilled throughout our lives in your Way.
-Precious Great Creator, at several instances in my life, I have been overwhelmed to receive your blessings and sheer grace in many different ways, expected or unexpected. I have seen how this Universe provides for us in wonderful ways, which has made me grateful to you.
-Beloved Holy Father, cherishing your abundance, I have achieved peace and satisfaction in my heart. I have a quiet mind, and I can think more clearly now. I can venture into life with the thrill of anticipation of knowing what’s coming. Thank you for this confidence in my blessed soul.
-O Great Master, never do I think of how you take care of your blessed children. I know you do, and you are always working to keep us safe and abundant. This has allowed me to go on with this life with confidence and determination, urging me to work harder.
-O Good God, today I pray before you, and I promise you that I will not fear anything that comes my Way. I will accept the challenges of this life with an open embrace, knowing that I have your abundant strength and brave Holy Spirit reflected in my true soul.
-O Divine Deity, all your Holy Commandments have clearly stated how our prayers are always answered by you when we are honest and have a pure heart. You have always directed us towards heartfelt prayers so we can communicate more effortlessly and express ourselves more openly.
-Beloved Master, I have considered myself as your little blessed child, no matter how old I am. I have always believed that you created me, and your eternal abundance will sustain me. You have proven that I was never wrong in every aspect of my life.
-Lord Beloved, although I have financial abundance in my life, I feel that my heart and soul seek something larger. Far from these worldly blessings, my soul longs to receive the abundance that can only be found in the salvation you give us. Bless me with greater wisdom and intellect.
-Good God, thank you for this financial abundance. I pray today for your holy wisdom so that I can understand the proper Way to use my wealth. Bless my heart so that I can always stay away from temptations and never give in to the rush for more.
-O God, I pray to you today for the porosity of my soul. Above all things, I ask you always to keep me in good health and stable finances so that I can lead a happy and comfortable life, always feeling grateful to be a part of your mighty Universe.
-Beloved Heavenly Almighty, it won’t be very smart even to attempt to comprehend the extent of your powers and resources. I put my blind faith in your Holy Way and never question it. Bless me so that I can always have this unquestionable love and faith in your Holy Spirit.
-Great Lord Almighty, I give my body, mind, heart, and soul to you, and I trust you to take care of everything that happens in my life because I have faith in you, and I know that the miracles that happen from your magical power help us to be abundant.
-Beloved Master, give me the strength and faith to walk the path of life, knowing that I tread onto it by your guidance and you will never direct me onto the wrong track. Let me believe in the bigger plans that the Universe has for me and follow your path.
-Father Beloved, I pray before your Holy Being, and I lead this life, always knowing in my heart that no matter what you do, it will only bring great joy and peace to my heart and soul. You can never do anything wrong, and I completely believe in you.
-Precious Holiness, bless the money I have. Bless my heart with kindness and invoke the Spirit of generosity within my soul so that I can use this money to do good in the life of other people. Allow me to use this money wisely so that I can bring goodness.
-Lord Jehovah, I place my heart before you and pray to you for your divine grace. I have already been given the abundance I had always wanted, and now I ask you to protect it forever. Look over my finances so that I shall never run out of money.
-Kind Loving Father, I ask you to bless my subconscious mind so that I can mold it to be instrumental while handling the worldly gifts that you shower into my life so selflessly. Allow me to accept these riches as blessings from your Spirit to bring abundance in my life.
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“Mindfulness, meditation, and positivity – these three words describe me the best. I founded “BeHappyHuman” blog dedicated to spreading happiness and inner peace through mindfulness and meditation techniques. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been exploring these practices for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing their benefits with others. My mission is to help individuals achieve greater happiness.