50+ Prayers For Discernment in Decision Making

When we pray to God to discern us through His Holy Spirit, we will have nothing to worry about because He will bless us with His wisdom.

So, rather than worrying about what to do next, submit yourself to the Almighty Father and let Him take care of you.

Prayers For Discernment And Clarity

-Dear Heavenly Lord, our days are numbered by you, and you are responsible for everything that happens around us. You can open the doors that nobody else can, and nothing happens without your Will. So, when it is time for me to decide anything, I trust you to guide me.- Amen

-O Blessed God, guide me so that I can discern out of the scope of your deep affectionate love so that I can be worthy of being called your blessed child in this beautiful world created by you. Let me remember your Holy Spirit to make everything pure and perfect.- Amen

-O Great God, no matter the decision, big or small, I must trust you entirely with it. I am in a mental conflict now, and I seek your help because you have promised us that you will never leave us alone, especially not when we are in trouble.- Amen

-O Loving Father, I call upon my faith in you and your mighty powers so that you become generous upon hearing our prayers and bless us with the wisdom we seek. Lead us into straight and easy paths so we don’t decide anything out of poor judgment.- Amen

-Good Father, I praise you because you are the best decision-maker I have known in my life. Honestly, your opinions, not ours, make a difference. No matter how much we plan things, we can only be sure when you are there to instruct our steps.- Amen

-Dear Beloved Lord, as I set out to make this decision, I pray to you to keep my heart peaceful so that I can work with a calm mind that decides through logic and reasoning. I ask you to come out and help me and always be present with me.- Amen

-O Good Lord, as I pray to you today, I want you to ensure all our prayers reach you in heaven and you can hear them alright. As I ask you for your counseling, I also want to count on you so that you can rule out the faulty things.- Amen

-Blessed Lord, although I search through the Scriptures for guidance and support, I seek our image within the pages. The texts aren’t proof to me; you are. In these moments when we can’t decide anything on our own, we need you by us. Please show us the correct way, Father.- Amen

-Kind Father, help me see other people through your eyes so that I can love and care for them like you do. Allow me to be forgiving and delight myself in the way everybody gives glory to you of being their guiding light in times of darkness.- Amen

-Heavenly Lord, this process of analyzing everything bit by bit is annoying and seems to paralyze me. I believe we only hope to make the right decisions to lead a comfortable life, but we do not strive to be righteous in our lives. Give me your comfort, God.- Amen

-Almighty Lord, we have created a misconception in our minds that in every situation, there has to be a single and perfect option to choose from. Free us from this thought and stop us from deciding things as per our comfort suits or according to other people’s approval.- Amen

-Dear God, we want to be wise so that people think good of us, but we must try to know you better. Help me by showing me what the correct approach to you is and lead me into your graceful presence. Free my troubled mind of its restrictions of thoughts.- Amen

Prayers For Discernment

-Great Father, I pray to you to look after my decisions and ensure that nothing around me can influence them other than what is just. The fear of something or the chances of getting hurt must not able to cloud our judgment while we choose what to do.- Amen

-O Kind God, I know that a good choice always comes with the risk of a possibly difficult outcome, something we do not generally expect. Give me the strength to choose anyways and prepare myself for the outcome, good or bad. Make me confident in everything I do or say.- Amen

-Blessed Lord, I pray to you to help us be affirmative in our minds when we make a decision. It must never be made with doubt, or we must not suffer uneasiness after making it. There should be no guesses or probability; we bravely confirm it.- Amen

-O Father, no matter what aspect of our life it is, social, financial, or emotional, whenever it comes to deciding a matter, we should always do what you will tell us and instructs us. Your Holy Spirit is where we are sanctified, and there are no two ways about it.- Amen

-Dear Lord, I have appreciated the passion in your Spirit that always keeps us uplifted. I pray to you to give us some of this unmatched passion so that we can find delight in it and know that with your grace in us, we will never be wrong or distracted.- Amen

-Holy Lord, we pray to you today that we want to get close to you and become more like you. We trust you for every little thing in our life and expect your glory to be with us as the guiding light. You must always be a part of us.- Amen

-O Dear God, be with me as I try to listen to the sounds that come from within the depth of my soul and bring me your message. Let me be able to hear when you bless me with comfort and discernment. Help me to understand your presence around me.- Amen

-Dear Beloved Lord, if I want to be able to discern things well, I must have your experience of the heart. So, I pray to you to keep me closer to your Holy Spirit and your core of endless and affectionate love for me and everyone else in this world.- Amen

Prayers For Discernment

-O Father, amid all the noise and rush of my life, I have forgotten to hear you out while you kept speaking to me. I apologize for being so self-involved, and I ask you to forgive me and bless him so that I can hear and obey your commandments afresh.- Amen

-Almighty Father, whenever I am afraid, I rely on you. You have healed all my pains and bound the wounds that deeply hurt me. I get all my strength from you, and you are a true inspiration to me. I pray to you today to give me your compassion.- Amen

-O Good Lord, give me the power to confront hatred and violence and release yokes bravely. Help me be your messenger to other people and work for them to set them free from their restrictions and confusion. Help me appease anger wherever it establishes itself.- Amen

-Blessed God, allow me to work on myself so that I can be a reflection of your mighty Spirit and kind heart. Some decisions are going to be dreadful but let me not lose hope in myself. This broken world is not very encouraging, but I want to choose you.- Amen

-Blessed, Kind Father, I pray to you today to give me with discerning eyes so that I can understand your inscriptions in my heart. Help me so that my Spirit is never tired to truly understand how I can reach outside my limited Spirit towards your soul.- Amen

-Dear Good God, I pray to you to make me compassionate so that I can spread your Holy Word to other people for their benefit, once I have understood it well myself. This would be an act of generosity but will bring glory to your name and praise your Spirit.- Amen

-O Loving Father, you are our lives’ source of compassion and knowledge. I thank you endlessly for sending me people who work for you and helping me to make an informed decision with the proper discernment. Thank you for blessing us all with this Spirit of sheer generosity.- Amen

-Loving Lord gives us the ability to honor each other and think and decide with an open mind free of any reservations. Give voice to everything true and honorable. We must also listen to each other with full attention and value each others’ opinions before we decide.- Amen

-O Good father, when it comes to a decision that needs to be taken by a group of people, we must all be able to discern your Will in our hearts so that the outcome will be fruitful and united. Bless us with your wisdom and graceful presence.- Amen

Prayers For Discernment

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