50+ Uplifting Prayers for Election Day

Election Day is a day when the people of a country or a state cast their votes to choose their representative, and the party which receives the maximum votes is declared to be the winner. Thus here are some prayers that would help us seek God’s blessings for Election Day.

Here are Uplifting prayers for Election Day

-Oh Heavenly Father, kindly shower your blessings on us and guide us today as we are about to cast our votes such that we can choose an honest and dedicated representative for ourselves who would be taking effective initiative and would be working for the betterment of the society.

-Oh Lord of love and power, kindly stay by our side as we cast our votes to choose a representative for ourselves, Lord may the most deserving candidate win today who would be able to perform his/her duties with utmost dedication and would be able to stand up to the expectations of its people.

Uplifting Prayers for Election Day

-Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything, thus here I am today to seek your blessings; kindly guide us today such that we can choose the most deserving candidate as our representative who would be able to bring changes into this society and would work for the improvement of its people.

-Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise; today is a very crucial day since the people of this nation is about to choose its representative. Thus, Lord, I pray to you kindly stay by our side and guide us such that we can make the correct decision for ourselves as well as for our nation. 

-Oh, Everlasting God, I pray to you kindly guide us today as we are about to elect a representative for ourselves. May we be able to elect a responsible candidate who would be capable enough to lead our nation and would pay special attention to the problems of its mass.

-Oh Loving God, today the nation would come to know about the decisions of its citizen, thus here I am in front of you, May the candidate elected and its party can prove itself worthy enough of the trust and faith the people of this nation has laid on them. 

-Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything, may the candidate elected today to be able to prove itself worthy enough of the responsibilities the people of this nation would trust him/her with, and may the person elected today to be able to work towards the improvement of this nation.

-Oh Lord of love and power, kindly stay by the side of the candidate who gets elected by the people of this nation today, provide them with your strength and willpower such that they can always remain dedicated and committed towards their duties and can fulfill their obligations towards their countrymen.

-Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise; kindly shower your blessings on us such that we can choose a responsible candidate for our nation today. May the candidate elected today to be able to manage law and order of the nation and can be able to keep everything under their regulation.

-Oh, Loving God, kindly shower your blessings on the people of this nation and guide them in the correct direction as they are about to elect their representative today. May the representative is chosen today be capable enough to maintain the peace and harmony of the nation by keeping the internal riots in check.

Best Uplifting Prayers for Election Day

-Oh, Everlasting God, since today the voting results are supposed to be declared, I pray to you God may the power be handed over in the good hands of those who are faithful towards the people of its nation and are worthy enough to look after the wellbeing of its people.

-Oh Heavenly Father, today is the day when the election results are supposed to be announced, thus Lord, here I am today to pray to you kindly give the power of this nation to the most suitable candidate who will understand the problems of its countrymen and will try its level best to solve them.

-Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything. Thus I pray that you kindly grant your power of judgment to the common people of this country such that they can make their decisions wisely while choosing their representative who would be able to take care of their needs and demands.

-Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything, kindly help the people of this country to choose the most suitable candidate as their representative today who would be worthy enough to take different sectors of this nation to its peak and would be able to bring fame and glory to this nation.

-Oh Lord, you are all humble and kind; I pray to you kindly stay by the side of the people of this nation and help them to choose their representative today, help them make their decisions wisely such that they can be happy and satisfied with their decision of choosing a particular candidate.

-Oh Lord of love and power, kindly shower your blessings on the common citizens of this country such that they can choose a responsible candidate as their representative who would pay special attention to the revenue of the nation and would come up with effective ideas to increase the national revenue.

-Oh Heavenly Father, I am here today to pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates from different parties such that their hard work can turn out to be fruitful for them today and may the election results turn out to be in their favor. Amen.

-Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything. Thus I pray to you may the most deserving candidate win this election and may the party with pure intention to work for this nation be raised into power such that they can get a chance to work for the improvement of this nation.

-Oh Heavenly Father, I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on the candidate and its party that comes into power today such that they can fulfill their responsibilities, may they be able to work on the backward classes of the society such that even they can lead a stable lifestyle.

 Amazing Uplifting Prayers for Election Day

-Oh, Everlasting God, I pray to you may the party that comes into power today be able to fulfill the expectations of its people, may the ruling party be capable enough of taking the initiative to provide a healthy and stable lifestyle to the people of its nation. Amen.

-Oh, Loving God, here I am today to seek your blessings for the wellbeing of this nation; kindly stay by the side of the common people of this nation such that the results of this election don’t give rise to any kind of riots or hatred amongst the different parties and their supporters.

-Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise, kindly shower your blessings on the people of this nation, and the peace on this nation continues to prevail even after the declaration of the election results today such that the elected individual can be able to take up his duties and responsibilities.

-Oh Lord of love and power, I pray to you may this election be able to lead this nation towards its development, may the newly elected party be able to bring some important and necessary changes into this nation which would intern be beneficial for its people. Amen.

-Oh Almighty God, I pray to you after the elections take place, may the ruling party be able to satisfy the citizens of this nation with their work, may they be able to fulfill their promises made to the citizens of the nation before the elections. Amen.

-Oh Heavenly Father, you have the ultimate control over everything, thus here I am today to pray to you may these elections prove to be beneficial for this nation and may the candidate is chosen by the people of this nation be able to fulfill their needs and demands. Amen.

-Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything, kindly look after the people of this nation and help them such that they can cast their vote to the most deserving candidate whom they believe would faithfully work for the improvement of its nation and would be able to stand up to their expectations.

-Oh Supreme Lord, kindly shower your blessings on us such that we cast our votes to a worthy candidate who would be capable enough to take our nation to a different level of advancement and would be able to make its citizens proud of their decision of electing him/her as their representative.

Excellent Uplifting Prayers for Election Day

-Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise, kindly shower your blessings on this nation, and may this current election be able to bring good and positive changes into this nation. May the new government be able to satisfy the people of this nation by finding the solution to their problems. Amen.   

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