41+ Prayers for your Own Good Health

In our daily life, while we constantly rush to full fill our needs, wants, dreams, and aspirations, we often forget to take care of or rather ignore our own physical and mental health. Hence here are some prayers that we can recite for our good health.

prayers for your own good health

Blessing Prayers For Own Good Health

-Oh Lord, shower your blessings on me; always keep me fit, healthy and fine so that I can keep chasing my dreams and make you proud of my achievements.

-Dear God, keep me in good health so that I can take care of my parents, stand up to my responsibilities, and make them proud.

-Oh Lord of power and love, keep showering your blessings on me so that I can stay away from any kind of sickness and keep on being the usual happy and jolly me.

-Dear Almighty God, bless me with good health such that my soul remains uplifted and I can keep on spreading good and positive vibes around me.

keep me under your shelter

-Dear Lord, always keep me under your shelter of love and care, and keep me healthy so that I can stick to my goals and achieve them.

I pray to you to keep me in good health

-Dear God, the happiness of my family resides in me, I have seen the smiles on their faces disappear every time I fall ill, and seeing them worried is more painful to bear than my illness, thus I pray to you to keep me in good health, such that I can always see my parents happy and smiling.

-Oh Lord of power and love, always keep me fit, healthy and fine, such that I can help those helpless people who are avoided and neglected on the streets and are living a life full of misery.

Prayers for your Own Good Health

bless me so that I can have good mental health.

-Dear Lord, some incidents in my life affect me mentally, and sometimes It takes a lot of time for me to get over such incidents, but still, somewhere, they get stored in my memories and traumatize me later; Lord, you are aware of everything, thus kindly bless me so that I can have good mental health.

-Dear Almighty God, it is believed that every living creature comes into this world with a purpose to full fill. Oh Lord, keep showering your blessings on me. Always keep me in good health so that I can find my purpose in life and head towards full filling it.

-God, I am too fragile; little things in my life matter to me a lot; my family and friends mean a lot to me, but when I unexpectedly get hurt by any one of them, somewhere, it breaks me from inside, at such situations, please take care of my mental health, slowly but gradually heal my wounds.

fill me up with your love and care

-Lord, always keep me in your good books, bless me with good health, fill me up with your love and care, instill me with your kindness and sympathy, and I promise you to keep on spreading love and care anywhere and everywhere I go.

-Oh Lord of love and power, shower your blessings on me, keep me fit and healthy, give me strength to work hard so that I can earn my living, find my way out of my monotonous life, go traveling and live my life to the fullest.

Thank You God For Food Everyday

-Dear God, Thank you for always keeping an eye on me; thank you for providing good and nutritious food every day, which gives me energy and strength, plus keeps me in good health.

Keep Me Motivated

-Dear Lord, sometimes my fatigue overpowers my motivation to work, I feel sluggish and often reluctant to exercise, but all of us know is very important for us to exercise to stay fit and healthy, thus god please always keep me motivated so that I can take care of myself and can maintain good health.

bless me with good health

-Oh Lord of love and power, you are very well aware of my dreams, since almost every time I come to you, I talk about them to you, I have told you how badly I want to live my dreams and how passionate I am about full filling my dreams, but for that, I would request you to please bless me with good health always.

-Oh Powerful Lord, always keep me in your good books, bless me with a good immune system so that I can have a strong defense against life-threatening viruses, it’s the most important and crucial thing in these times of crisis when I can see most healthy-looking people suffering and struggling for their lives. Amen.

-Lord, it’s true that sometimes due to excess workload, I tend to ignore my health, I forget to take my meals on time, skip meals or go for packaged foods more, but god, I want to be healthy, kindly keep an eye on me and bless me so that I can stay healthy and fine.

Best Prayers for your Own Good Health

-Dear God, as a person proceeds towards the edge of their life, sickness and illness gets quite evident in life, but Lord, I want to take my last breath without any pain or suffering, I want to end my life on a good note, thus kindly bless me with good health. Amen.

-Dear Almighty God, sickness doesn’t only bring doom to the person suffering; it affects the entire family both mentally and economically, it always brings sadness with it. Lord, always bless me with good health so that my family never needs to suffer for me.

Cure Me Of My Inner Pain

-Dear Almighty God, you have supreme power over everything; please take care of me and my health. You are the ultimate doctor and physician. Send forth your healing power and kindly cure me of my inner pain and agony.

-Oh Lord, bless me with good health such that I can find peace with myself, may you give me perspective on the things that frustrate me, slowly and gradually heal my inner wounds, and help me be humble and kind.

Teach me to tackle everything tactfully

-Oh Everlasting Lord, I pray to you for my good health, relieve me from my worldly stress teach me to tackle everything tactfully such that I can balance both my family life and my work-life efficiently.

Give me peace of mind and calm

-Oh Lord of power and love, gift me good health, give me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart, I am finding it difficult to balance. Thus I stumble and worry constantly, bless me with strength and, give me clarity of mind, help me find my way out of this darkness.

-Oh Everlasting Lord of power and love, thank you for everything you have done for me, it is your power and love that heals me and keeps me in good health both physically and mentally as our souls seek you.

Give Me Strengthen

-Oh Lord, you have the supreme power; you know to what extent fear can overpower an individual and cripple their confidence into ashes, affecting one’s mental health. Lord, kindly establish a healthy, divine rhythm of life and strengthen my mind, body, and spirit.

Amazing Prayers for your Own Good Health

-Oh God, shower your blessings on me; every new day brings new challenges, gives me strength to fight, and keeps me healthy, fit and fine so that I can change all my challenges into success.

protect me from all the judgemental comments

-Oh Lord, nothing in this world is hidden from you. Help me deal with all those creepy eyes that stare at me, protect me from all the judgemental comments that affect my mental peace, may other’s opinions never stop me from going what I desire, bless me with good mental health.

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