50+ Prayers For Singles To have a Happy And Safe Life

Singles have different perspectives on life. They often find themselves lonely and depressed, but they must remember that the Holy Lord is always with them.

Also, they must wait for the right person to come into their lives so that they can understand that He is always blessing our hearts.

Prayers For Singles

Prayers For Singles And Guidance

 -Faithful Father, I am a single man/woman. I have been fortunate enough to receive your grace and compassion in every aspect of my life, which gives me the patience to enjoy my life to the fullest until the right person comes along. Please guide me in your Way forever.

-Good God, we all want a partner in our lives who would be caring and understanding as well as guided in your righteousness and kindness. Bless us with the reassurance that we will know when he/she comes into our lives because you are there to guide and direct us.

-Savior Beloved, being a single man/woman is difficult because when I am lonely or sad, I don’t have anyone to share my feelings with. But, I want to reassure myself by keeping in mind that I will always have you and that you are listening to all my prayers. 

Prayers For Singles And your divine presence

-Lord Jehovah, every single person across the world needs your grace and mercy. They need to witness your divine presence in their hearts and souls so that they are comforted in their misery. Bless them with your compassion and mercy so that they can feel that they are never alone.

 -Precious Master, I refuse to go into a relationship if I cannot witness your divine presence. Without your guidance and compassion, nothing can work out. I shall remain single until you help me find my soulmate, a person with whom I can be myself for the rest of my life. 

Prayers For Singles And a Good Understanding

-Holy Creator, we all desire to be in a relationship with good understanding and love and respect for each other. We must be patient while a fulfilling connection comes into our lives, remembering that you would only choose the best for us, and therefore, we must trust your divine understanding.

-Gracious Almighty, it is better to be single rather than be in an uncomfortable or abusive relationship. Instead of making harsh decisions, we must learn to submit ourselves humbly to your hands and trust your plans for us. Only your divine understanding and compassion are our source of comfort forever.

-O Good God, I come before you, asking you to bless me with a perfect soulmate. Unite me with someone who will never make me regret the decision of not being single. Let there always be love and understanding between us. Please bless us with your divine grace and understanding.

Prayers For Singles And Patience

-Precious Holy Protector, we just never are disappointed or ashamed of the fact that we are single. We must always remember that all good things happen in the perfect time of your Holy Spirit, and we must not lose faith and patience because you are taking care of our welfare.

Pray to you for all good things to happen in our lives

-Loving Lord, human beings need to be socially comfortable with someone. Love, intimacy, and understanding are very important but can only be fruitful when the right person comes into our lives. So, if we are single, we must pray to you for all good things to happen in our lives.

-Dear Great Master, in every aspect of my life, I have been able to witness your divine intervention. So, despite being single, I refuse to be sad or distressed because I know that all good things await me in the future, and with your blessings, I will meet my soulmate.

Pray to you for a fulfilling relationship

-Eternal Savior, parents, and friends are an important part of our lives. But nothing compares to the importance of a loving and caring partner with whom we can be ourselves and spend the rest of our lives happily and peacefully. All singles must pray to you for a fulfilling relationship.

-Holy Father, two single people are united in your Holy Name when they come into a relationship. They must individually be able to witness your divine reflection in their hearts so that when their partner comes along, they can both pray to you for grace and mercy in their lives.

-Blessed Lord, every single person has a longing desire to be with someone who will care for, respect, and love them unconditionally. While they are single, teach them to be compassionate and undereating to everyone around them so that that love and kindness are reflected in their relationship as well.

Prayers For Singles

Prayers For Singles Mental Stability

-Dear Kind Deity, remind us that being with the wrong partner can be harmful to us in many ways. The kind of relationship we are in determines our mental peace and happiness in life. Therefore, there is nothing to lament for singles because we must never hamper our mental stability.

Prayers For joy and peace

-Lord Jehovah, most people have a notion that being single is a bad thing. But, we are responsible for our happiness and peace. We have been blessed with your divine joy and peace, and we are strong enough to lead an independent and peaceful life, all by ourselves, if required.

Thank You, God

-O Father Beloved, I have always believed that you are the greatest matchmaker of all time. You will always try to send us a partner who can reflect your godly kindness and understanding in our relationships. Thank you for being a constant source of comfort and inspiration in all matters.

-Good God, although I am single now, my heart is at peace. I know that I will not have to deal with someone who is unkind and unjust and doesn’t believe in your Spirit. Thank you for blessing me with the strength and patience to be myself, no matter what.

Guiding Prayers For Singles

-Dear Almighty Protector, when we have faith in your Holy Spirit, you bless us with the understanding and patience to wait for the right person to come along. You will help us realize what’s best, and we will always be on the correct path because you are guiding us constantly.

-Blessed Savior, there will be evil forces that will try to affect our minds and hearts while we are single. I pray to you to keep us grounded in your unconditional love forever so that we can understand what love truly is and never give in to any negative influences.

Prayers For Singles

-Beloved Creator, I have always trusted your Will in my life. Even when people around me are in relationships and they have someone to share their joys and sorrows with, it doesn’t make me feel disheartened. I believe that when you are there to look after me, I have everything.

To keep me in your compassion and protection.

-Lord Jehovah, the favor of pure and loving matrimony comes from you. Only with your divine intervention can we find a partner who loves and respects us as much as you do. So, as a single man/woman, I pray to you to keep me in your compassion and protection.

-Good God, being a single person, I pray to you to protect me from fear of a failed or abusive relationship in the future. As I look around, I find so many people unable to work out their marriages because of the lack of honesty and kindness towards each other.

-Loving Lord, being single makes it more difficult to handle bad days when you are distressed and worried but have no one to share your thoughts and feelings with. Remind us that you are our best friend, and therefore, we must learn to trust our problems and sorrows with you.

Blessing Prayers For Single

-Heavenly Almighty, I am single, but I hope to be in a relationship very soon. I pray to you to bless my heart and remind me of the importance of being loyal and kind to my partners and how making efforts is very important for both people in a relationship.

-Sweet Deity, most singles often go into meaningless relationships only because they are bored or they just need to be with someone. Bless them with the understanding to realize that a perfect union is very important for us, and we must be patient until you send us the perfect partner.

Keep us in your watchful gaze forever.

-Faithful Father, being single often makes us face temptations for which we may not be prepared very well. We must submit to you humbly and trust you to bless us with the self-control we need to hold our dignity during this time. Please keep us in your watchful gaze forever.

Prayer For Divine Peace And Comfort

-Savior Beloved, I have been single for a long time now, and it often makes me feel tormented and hopeless about having a loving relationship ever. During these vulnerable moments, I pray for your divine peace to be in my heart and soul and give me the comfort I need.

always keep me in your Holy Way

-Kind Loving Father, I have always believed in enjoying the blessed life you have given us while being single or in a relationship. I pray to you to always keep me in your Holy Way because, without your divine compassion and wisdom, we will never be able to achieve happiness.

Prayers For Singles

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