When you offer your everyday prayers, remind yourself to include prayers for your family and friends’ wellness.
Pray to God for their happiness because only then can you be entirely happy and content in your life. This strengthens your bond with them and makes you a better person in life.
Prayers For Wellness And Happiness
Prayers For Wellness And Happiness
-O Gracious Father, today I find myself completely at your mercy, more than ever. The well-being of my family and friends depends entirely on you. I have always wanted you to decide for us. Whatever initiative you take for us, I know without a doubt that it will be fruitful.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you today for the wellness and happiness of my family and friends. I pray to you to bless all of us with a long and happy life. Let us live long enough to witness the lovely miracles of your creations and fulfill our aspirations.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, bless me and everyone around me with the realization that life is not a slideshow of events, duties, and productivity. Let us understand why it is important to step down now and then and look at the little things in our life that can make us happy.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Positivity
-O Gracious Father, the bliss of a long life is something that I ask for everyone. Because it’s no use living a long life if there is no one with me to enjoy it. Praying to you today fills me with hope and excitement and makes me positive toward life.- Amen
Related: Prayers For Sick
Prayers For Healing And Recovery
-O Gracious Father, this day, I pray to you to help us get over all our hardships and troubles in life. Be with us in our process of healing and recovering. You are the Healer, you are the cure to all our problems, and we seek you to help us.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you to clear our minds and hearts of all religious misconceptions. Let us understand our prayers, be aware of what we ask for and not be misguided by anything else. Let us all pray for healing and a better understanding of the universe and you.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I truly believe no one can heal our physical or mental wounds the way you will. Your way is the best one, and we are completely safe in your hands. Bless us, Good Lord, and heal us in a way that we are never betrayed by illness.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Faith
-O Gracious Father, you are the ultimate object of our requirements. All our requests and wishes are obtained through you only. When I pray to you today for our wellness, it makes me humble, shows me the endless power you hold, and reconstructs my faith in you and the Universe.
-O Gracious Father, I seek this opportunity of being able to talk to you directly and present my requirements to you with reverence and faith in you. As I do so, the process of praying to you with a true heart appears to be a source of our wellness itself.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Strength
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you today to give me the strength to fight against all adversities in my life. Help me to be calm and not be overwhelmed by any barriers. Whenever empathy seems to overwhelm me, I seek shelter at your feet because there, I find compassion.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Overwhelmed
-O Gracious Father, my prayer to you for wellness is everything about creating balance in my life, which is very important. I want to be compassionate towards everything and not be extremely overwhelmed. I want to be a strong and brave person but never be overpowered by anything around me.- Amen
Related: Prayers For Miracle
Wellness Prayers For Friend
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you today to protect my friend and family- the ones that are so close to you and whom I love and support unconditionally and are ready to do anything for their well-being. Save them from distress and never let them be injured or harmed.- Amen
–O Gracious Father, no matter which part of this large world my relative or friend is in, look after them. Let them recover quickly from their illnesses and help their plagued bodies and minds get rid of all the suffering. Free them from the bondage of their minds and hearts.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, every moment in our lives is a blessing from you. We breathe, wake up and go about doing our things- only because we live under your powerful regime. Please touch me, my family, and my friends with those powerful hands so that no harm can ever touch us.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, if any one of my relatives or friends is suffering from mental illness, it will be very difficult for them to find peace and comfort. I pray to you to guide them and show them the path in which they can achieve everything they want in life.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Protection
-O Gracious Father, hold all of us in your protective arms and keep us safe. I pray to you to let my close ones be blessed with your security, love, and grace, just the way I am. Bless the pillars of our society who help us in our regular lives.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I hpp[e my prayers to you to give a reflection of my reverence for the blessing of life you have given us. I value not only my life, but also that of the people around me. So, I pray to you when any of them is in trouble.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, in all adversities, I turn to you for help. This is because I know in my heart that no one in need of protection or support from you has been turned away or not aided ever. Nothing can take away the protection you have on us.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you to be compassionate and merciful to all of us. Restore the health of every person close to me who has not been feeling well recently. Revive their lost vigor and give them the energy to be active and productive in their daily lives.- Amen
Prayers For Wellness And Guidance
-O Gracious Father, you are the image of a caring, loving guardian who is always there to guide us and show us the path to your well-being. You are the best parent anyone could ever ask for, and in my hard times, I ask for your endless mercy and grace.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, calm down the troubled hearts of my close ones. Let them see you and be with you. Let them acknowledge your power, follow your path, and have trust in you. Teach them the value of praying to you and how you fulfill our wishes when asked honestly.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you today for the well-being of every person in this world- even if they are not personally related to me. Eradicate all sadness and misery in the universe and let everyone be happy. Erase all ignorance and lead everyone through the path of light.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you today for the well-being of every person in this world- even if they are not personally related to me. Eradicate all sadness and misery in the universe and let everyone be happy. Erase all ignorance and lead everyone through the path of light.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you to guide us through the correct path. Teach us the differences between the real and the unreal world. Let us leave the darkness behind and move toward the light. Let us be our real selves in life and not be encouraged by falsehood or pretension.- Amen
-O Gracious Father, let my loved ones pray to you to feel happy and connected to everything around them, just the way I do. Teach them to slow down from the everyday rush of life and look around them to understand the things that actually make them happy and excited.- Amen
Related: Prayers For Happiness
Prayers For Wellness, Care And Love
-O Gracious Father, I pray to you to give me the heart and strength to stand beside any of my family and friends who are in a terrible condition. Let me help them in every way I can and give them all the love and care they need to. Recover.- Amen
Preyers FOr Wellness And Peace Of Mind
-O Gracious Father, I take this time of my prayer to ask you to bless all of us with proper mental health, which is equally important as physical well-being. Comfort us, and relieve our mind of any worry or anxiety that may be bothering us. Help us relax our minds.
-O Gracious Father, please take us to immortality and let us not be afraid of death. Give peace and comfort to all of us, and let us be happy and content with the things that you have blessed us with. Lord, everything we have and know is given to you.
-O Gracious Father, give peace to their bodies and minds and ease the pounding hearts. Let them slow down the pace of their thoughts and actions and bless them with the true vision that time is eternal and life is a blessing. Let them find shelter and peace in you.- Amen
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“Mindfulness, meditation, and positivity – these three words describe me the best. I founded “BeHappyHuman” blog dedicated to spreading happiness and inner peace through mindfulness and meditation techniques. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been exploring these practices for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing their benefits with others. My mission is to help individuals achieve greater happiness.