At times things don’t seem to work according to our will, and everything seems to be dull and boring during such times; not feeling good enough is quite natural.
Thus, here are some prayers that would help us uplift our mood at times when we don’t feel good enough.
prayers for when you do not feel good enough: Finding Hope
-Oh Lord, you are all kind and loving; thus, I pray to you kindly let me stay under your shelter as currently, I don’t feel good, I feel that I have lost my control, and everything around me seems to be slipping away from my hands, thus Lord here I am today to seek your help such that I can bring my life back on track.
-Oh Heavenly Father, kindly shower your blessings on me; I need your love and care as I don’t feel good enough, I feel de-motivated, and my urge to work seems to be on its verge of dying. Lord, I need you; I need your help to overcome this phase of mine since I know if this feeling of mine prolongs, I will be left with nothing to survive.
-Oh Lord, you are all loving and caring, kindly stay by my side and guide me through this dull phase of mine as Lord I don’t feel good, nothing seems to be good enough, and I feel that I am losing the people those whom I care for and are important to me.
-Oh Almighty God, for a long time now, I am not feeling good enough previously things that used to interest me don’t interest me anymore, and after segregating myself from everyone I love and care, here I am in front of you to seek help, God kindly helps me as I want my normal happy life back.
-Oh, Everlasting God, kindly shower your blessings on me and pull me out of this phase of mine where anything around me doesn’t seem to be right. I don’t feel good enough; I am on the verge of giving up on everything that was once dear to me. Thus God kindly help me find a way out from this phase of my life.
-Oh Supreme Lord, currently I am not feeling good enough since I feel like slowly and gradually I am losing my grip over everything, including my confidence and my peace; hence Lord, I pray to you kindly grant me your strength and guide me through this dull phase of mine. Amen.
-Oh Lord of love and power, I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on me since presently I am not feeling good; Lord kindly helps me find my way out of this darkness of mine such that I can find some positivity in my life. Lord kindly help me find my way back to my normal life. Amen.
-Oh, Loving God, I have been facing some serious attachment issues in my recent past as a result of which I don’t feel good enough to trust someone to share my insecurities with, thus God here I am in front of you to seek your help as I know and I believe that it is only you who can rescue me from my miseries now.
-Oh Almighty God, you are the ultimate key to all my problems, thus here I am to seek your help, kindly rescue me from my misery, I want to live a happy life, but with everything that is going on in my life, I don’t feel good enough, I feel tired and exhausted with all the negative vibes prevailing around me.
-Oh Heavenly Father, currently I don’t feel good as I am tired of losing people in my life; this feeling of mine has made me insecure, as a result of which I have been segregating myself from everyone in my recent past. Thus, Lord, I pray to you kindly grant me the strength to fight with my insecurities such that I can live a normal and happy life again.
-Oh Lord of love and power, I don’t feel good enough, and all that I can feel now is that all my happiness is slowly and gradually being snatched away from me, plus I have no answer as to why I feel this way; thus Lord kindly help me find the answer to my pain and agony. Amen.
-Oh Supreme Lord, I don’t feel good enough; I don’t know why but there is this constant weight on my chest that is pulling me back from enjoying my life. Lord, I crave a happy and peaceful life; kindly shower your blessing on me and help me recover from this constant pain of mine.
-Oh Lord, you are all humble and kind; I pray to you kindly help me find happiness in this dull and boring life of mine; I am tired and exhausted due to the daily hassles of my life, I don’t feel good, all I need now is some peace in my life. Thus Lord, kindly showers your blessings on me and grant me some mental peace.
-Oh Everlasting God, I don’t feel good, my life seems to be scattered all around the places, and I don’t seem to have enough strength left in me to pull my life back together as its way, thus God here I kindly shower your blessings on me, help me and grant me your strength and will power such that I can bring my life back on tracks again.
-Oh Lord, I don’t feel good enough about anything that is going on around me; I feel being caged, as in I am trapped in a place I have no escape from, thus Lord here I am to seek your help as I believe that it is only you who can rescue me from this cage of mine. Amen.
-Oh Heavenly Father, it’s your love and care that has helped me survive this long in the journey of my life. Thus Lord, here I am again in front of you today to seek your love and care as I don’t feel good enough once again I feel like I am getting engulfed into the darkness of life, and I know that it is only you, oh lord who can save me now.
-Oh, Everlasting God, I don’t feel good enough; I feel sad and lonely as people whom I loved and cared for are also leaving from my side one by one, leaving me all alone in the darkness of my life. Thus, God, kindly shower your blessings on me and kindly pull me out of this darkness of mine such that I can live a happy and peaceful life again.
-Oh Almighty God, kindly shower your blessings on me as I don’t feel good enough; with all the failures I have gone through in my recent past, nothing around me seems to be alright. Thus, God, I pray to you kindly grant me your strength such that I can fight my battles till I don’t achieve my goals.
-Oh Supreme Lord, I don’t feel good enough, since with every huddle I am giving up, and I hate it, thus Lord here I am to seek your help, kindly grant me with your willpower such that I can gather my strength not to give up on the purpose of my life.
-Oh Lord, you are all loving and kind; I pray to you kindly stay by my side and guide me through my darkness as Lord I don’t feel good enough, I feel lost in this crowded world, having trust issues and insecurities, and since you are the only one I can trust now, I resort to you for help.
-Oh Lord of love and care, I have heard that love has the power to heal even those who are sad and broken. Hence Lord, kindly let me stay under the shelter as I don’t feel good, and I need your love and care. Lord, kindly shower your blessings on me and help me heal from the traumatizing incidents in my recent past.
-Oh, Loving God, you have always helped me through the darkest phase of my life, thus yet again, I am here today to seek your help to find my way as God; it seems like I have lost the correct track of my life again. God, I don’t feel good enough; I am scared and afraid; kindly help me find my way out to a normal and healthy life again.
-Oh Supreme Lord, I pray to you kindly help this world find its way back to normalcy as Lord it breaks my heart seeing people around me suffer for which I don’t feel good moreover it upsets me seeing people in intense pain and suffering, thus I pray to you, kindly help this mankind find its way back to a normal life. Amen.
– Oh Heavenly Father, I don’t feel good as everyone around me seems to be in pain, their cries for help fill my heart with remorse, thus Lord, I pray to you kindly shower your blessings on me and guide me in a path through which I can patiently listen to their problems and help them with the same.
-Oh Everlasting God, I don’t feel good enough, I feel lonely as despite having so many people around me, it seems like no one understands me, and I am tired of explaining myself to others; thus, God kindly helps me find a way through which I can live my life on my terms without any interference or negative vibes.
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“Mindfulness, meditation, and positivity – these three words describe me the best. I founded “BeHappyHuman” blog dedicated to spreading happiness and inner peace through mindfulness and meditation techniques. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been exploring these practices for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing their benefits with others. My mission is to help individuals achieve greater happiness.