57+ Prayers Before a Meal To Bless Food

Everything we have is a blessing from God; the shelter we live in, and the food we have is granted to us by the Almighty God; thus, here are some prayers that would help us thank God and show our hearts full gratitude towards the Almighty God for our daily meals.

Inspiring Prayers to say before a meal

-Oh Supreme Lord, I know that food is the basic necessity for the very existence of mankind. Thus I am grateful to you for providing my family and me with our daily meals, kindly stay by our side and keep on showering your blessings on my family and me.

-Oh Lord of love and power, kindly bless the farmers with wealth and prosperity since it’s because of their constant hard work that we get to have our daily meals. Because of them, we get our cereals and fresh vegetables ready and available to be cooked and served. Thus Lord, may you kindly fill their lives with joy and happiness.

-Oh, Everlasting God, I consider myself privileged enough that I get to have my daily meals since I know that many people spend sleepless nights due to hunger. Thus, God, I am thankful to you for everything you have blessed me with and for the food I am about to have. Amen.

-Oh Heavenly Father, as I am about to have my meal, I pray to you may no individual sleep hungry tonight, kindly bless those who are avoided and ignored, since they don’t have anyone else except you, they look up to you every day for food and shelter. Thus Lord kindly blesses them so they don’t suffer from hunger.

Prayers Before a Meal To Bless Food

-Oh Almighty God, thank you for the meal today; over the years, all of us have formed some amazing bond over food. Thus God kindly keeps on showering your blessings on us such that we can always value the food we get since there are still many people who struggle to manage one proper meal a day.

-Oh Lord, as I sit here to have my first meal for the day, I request you to bless me with your kindness and sympathy such that I can find happiness in sharing my meals with those who are suffering due to hunger; kindly stay by my side and help me so that I can help bring smile on their faces.

-Oh Supreme Lord, before I have my meal today, I would pray to you, kindly guide those who are struggling to earn one proper meal a day for themselves and their family, help them find ways to improve their conditions so that they don’t have to sleep hungry at night. Amen.

-Oh Lord of power and wisdom, I am grateful to you for always showering your blessings on my family and me, I know, and I believe that it’s because of your blessings that we get to have our daily meals, and we want to thank you since it’s you who provide us our food and it’s because of your grace that we never had to sleep hungry at night.

-Oh Everlasting God, as I am about to have my meal, I would pray to you may you instill love and sympathy in every one of us such that in these times of crisis, we can help those who are suffering due to lack of food and shelter, may the privileged ones be kind enough to provide the ones in need with proper and healthy food.

-Oh Almighty God, hunger have often led people to choose unethical paths; thus, Lord, as I am about to have my meal, I pray to you may you guide every individual such that they can stick to their moral paths and can find ways to eat well so that no one ever has to follow the unethical paths to earn their daily meals.

-Oh Lord, you are all kind and wise; I am grateful to you for the meal you have provided me with and wish that every individual may eat well and live a happy and healthy life. Lord, may you bless every one of us such that we can form healthy and beautiful relationships over food. Amen.

-Oh Almighty God, in this world where so many people are hungry, I consider myself to be the blessed one since I get to have my daily meals with my family. Thus God may all of us always remember to respect the food we get and eat our food without wasting it. Amen.

-Oh Heavenly Father, as I sit to have my meal today, my heart feels remorse for those who are avoided and ignored, living in the worst condition without proper food or shelter. Lord kindly provides them with food such that they don’t have to spend sleepless nights due to hunger.

Nice Prayers Before a Meal To Bless Food

-Oh, Everlasting God, you are humble and kind, thank you for the food you provide me every day, which helps me to replenish my strength and my willpower to work; food has always worked as my stress reliever and has always uplifted my mood. Thus God, I am grateful to you for my daily meals.

-Oh Heavenly Father, kindly bless the food we are about to have and grant us good health; kindly always provide us with fresh and nutritious food such that we can stay away from any kind of illness or fatigue. May the food you provide us with being always sufficient for us. Amen.

-Oh Lord, you are humble and kind; I am thankful to you for the meal today and pray to you, the Lord, may you bless this mankind with your humbleness such that they can spread love and happiness with others by sharing food. Amen.

-Oh Almighty God, before I have my meal today, I would request you to bless me with your love and sympathy such that every time I come across a person suffering due to hunger, I can provide them with food, bless me such that I never hesitate to share my meals with those in need.

-Oh Heavenly Father, as I am about to have my meal, I want to thank you for always showering your blessings on my family and me, it’s because of your grace that we have never faced any extreme financial crisis, and I believe that it’s because of your love and blessings that at the end of the day we always have freshly prepared food on our plates sufficient enough to fulfill our appetite.

-Oh Supreme Lord, after such a long and tiring day, I thank you for the meal you have provided me with; this food that you have blessed me with provides me with energy and replenishes my soul to work hard. I am grateful to you for showing me my path through which I can earn my living and can feed myself and my family.

-Oh Everlasting God, I am grateful to you for the food you have provided me with, and as I am about to have my meal, I pray to you kindly keep on guiding me and supporting me so that I can take responsibility for my family and can make sure all their necessities are fulfilled.

-Oh Lord, you are all loving and kind, thank you for providing me with food since it lifts my mood, refreshes my mind, and provides me with energy to work for long hours, even during nights when I have to study for my examinations or when I have to prepare school presentations.

-Oh Lord of love and power, as my family and I, sit to have our last meal of the day together, we thank you for the food you have provided us with as it doesn’t only helps us to fulfill our appetite but also helps us strengthen our bond as a family since we have often shared our happiness as well as our problems at our dinner table while sharing our meals. 

Amazing Prayers Before a Meal To Bless Food

-Oh Supreme Lord, as I sit comfortably under the shelter of my house to have my daily meal, my heart cries for those who have lost their only way of living during this time of crisis, their inability to manage one proper meal a day makes me sad. Thus, Lord, I pray to you kindly save this world from its sufferings such that people can go back to normalcy and can find new ways of living.

-Oh Almighty God, I know, and I believe that the meals I have been provided by you that make me feel grateful and privileged. God kindly keep on showering your blessings on me such that I can bring happiness into other’s life by sharing food and can help those who are suffering due to hunger.

-Oh Lord, you forgive and kind, as I am about to have my meal, I pray to you Lord may no individual in this world die due to hunger or lack of nutrition, may the privileged people be satisfied with what they have so that they can help those suffering due to hunger, may people learn to value and respect their food. Amen.            

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