50+ Prayers To Stay Protected From Demons

There are plenty of demons around us. They work as the evil forces in nature, and often, we are even unable to understand their presence in our lives.

We must always pray to the Heavenly Father to protect us from such spirits that can attack our hearts and souls severely.

Prayers To Stay Protected From Demons

-O Great Lord, today I pray before your Holy Spirit, whom I love so much. You have always guided me on the right track and protected me from being distracted. I ask you to help me fight the inner demons that disturb me and provoke the bad qualities in me.

-O Blessed Father, if I have ever looked down upon other people around me and tried to establish my supremacy as a human being, I apologize for my mistakes and ask you to help me return to the correct way of thinking. Protect me from all evil that threatens me.

-Faithful Father, the evil powers acting within my spirits are making me selfish and rude. I am constantly provoked to be self-centered. I keep on focusing on my issues, and my heart extends out to nobody. Only your powers can rescue me now and heal my troubled heart and mind.

Prayers To Stay Protected From Demons

-O Good God, demons often don’t come to us in their personal self. They come to us in the form of people who try to take advantage of me and benefit from my vulnerabilities. Please protect me against such people who have no good cause to fulfill in my life.

Related: Prayers For Comfort

Prayer To Give Strength

-O Dear Majesty, the devil powers speak harshly through my soul and lure me to behave unjustly. They try to take me away from your endless affection and give strength to the vices that were hidden in me. I ask you to help me get over this troubling phase quickly.

-O Gracious Lord, it almost feels like I don’t understand myself anymore. I feel helpless because I am unable to hear the crystal-clear voice of your Holy Spirit that spoke through me with power and conviction. I pray for your strength while I fight against evil powers in my soul.

-Sovereign Master, I pray to you so that the Spirit of selfish pride can be purged from within my soul. Allow me to spread my heart to the world and focus on the positive things that the world has to offer rather than being carried away by my inner demons.

I want Your Holy Presence

-Precious God, I want your Holy presence in my mind, heart, and soul so that they can never be attacked by negative demons who fill us with despair and feelings of self-inadequacy. Allow me to stay very close to your comfortable presence where there is no fear of getting hurt.

-Father Beloved, I live every day by the faith that tells me that you will deliver me from the Spirit of indecision and conflict. You will protect me from being intimidated by the presence of demons around me, and you have told me that I was meant for bigger things.

-Almighty Good Lord, I pray for your Holy Salvation. It is my refuge, and when I can feel its presence in my soul, I go about my responsibilities with satisfaction in my heart. Your Holy Spirit has always acted in my defense in every challenging situation I have ever faced.

-Heavenly Almighty, I have always considered that the sheer opportunity of being born in your mighty Universe and leading this blessed life is a gift that very few people receive. I pray to you to help me understand my worth and not get carried away by self-doubt and unnecessary anxieties.

-Great Loving Protector, I pray to you to allow me to turn my heart to the outer world so that I can work with your Holy will guide me towards people’s welfare. I ask you to assist me in all my good works and shield me from my inner demons.

-Lord Beloved, I ask you to remind me every day that you hold the sovereign power in this world and that no force is great enough to fight against your Holy Spirit and win. Bless me so that I can place myself in your hands with assurance in my heart.

-Blessed Master, even though I walk in your footsteps, my heart is often tormented by fear. Demonic forces have instigated a feeling of dread in my soul, which I have never been able to overcome. So, I come before you to be there as I rescue myself from this situation.

-Gracious Creator, I pray to you for courage and self-confidence within me. Allow me to always remind myself that I was created and nurtured by your divine Spirit and that with you by my side, I have absolutely nothing to be worried about the effect of evil forces on me.

-Almighty God, I want you to be present in my thoughts forever so that no evil power can creep into my mind and lure me to behave or act unjustly. As long as I have you within my soul, I lead my life with joy and contentment in my heart.

-Kind Good Master, I have always believed in you, and I have always respected you as the stronghold of this blessed life. I place all my fears and incapabilities before you, and I trust you to mold me afresh so that I can start on a positive note with confidence.

-O Almighty Lord, you have always been a loving and responsible parent to me. You have often done things for me which I have been unaware of, but they have always worked out for my welfare. I come before you today to express my gratitude for all your graceful favors.

-Sovereign God, the demons around me try to manipulate me and demotivate me from the true purpose of my existence and ruin my peace. I trust you to cast them away from my life so that I am never influenced by their negative expressions in all spheres of my life.

-Beloved Father, the cunning satanic demons often disguise themselves as sources of light. We are deceived by them very often because our hearts are not wise enough to understand the tricks of this world. So, we ask you to guide us and shield us from the darkness that engulfs us.

Good Prayers To Stay Protected From Demons

Related: Prayers For Grace

I pray for the light of your innate experience and benevolence

-Heavenly Lord, I pray for the light of your innate experience and benevolence to shine within my soul so that I can perceive things and people just the way they are, beneath the sheath that hides the true self. I pray for your Holy discernment to act in my spirits.

-Good Father, although I am tormented by demonic forces, my greatest refuge is in knowing that I will never be forsaken by your Holy Spirit and you will never leave me alone, especially when I am fighting my toughest battles. I can never thank you enough for your constant benevolence.

O Precious Creator, you have died to pay for our sins. You have set the perfect example of extreme sacrifice before us, and you have never been distracted by the demons that have tried to harm you. Let us be capable of learning from your Spirit for better life quality.

I want your comfort

-Father Beloved, I feel like I am being engulfed in the dark Spirit that my inner demons have exuded. I feel lost, and this darkness presses around me so much that I feel suffocated. I seek you within me now because I want your comfort to get through this situation.

-O Kind Creator, the world around me has come to a stop. My life is blank, and I have no hope to live for it. I feel inadequate to fight against these demons who hurt me deeply. Only you can be my shield now, and I ask you to come.

I ask you to get rid of this negativity

-Heavenly Master, this depression attacks my soul like a fierce demon, and I can realize that I am being overwhelmed by the strong forces. No power has ever won against your Supreme Being, none will do ever, and I ask you to get rid of this negativity from my heart.

-O Beloved Father, I believe that no matter what happens today or how tormented I am, the future has many opportunities for me. The next day is brighter than today, and I have lots of things to do. Allow me to protect my inner faith and follow your Holy Way.

-Loving Lord, I have learned from you that the Spirit must be to never give up, no matter what happens. So, following your commandments, I choose not to give up because my demons lure me. I would rather give a fight and emerge victoriously, paying respect to your Holy Spirit.

Nice Prayers To Stay Protected From Demons

I pray to you to mold my soul

-Good Gracious God, instead of brooding over my shortcomings and living in fear of being carried away by negative forces, I pray to you to mold my soul so that I can get back on my feet and take a new step every day with positivity in my spirits.

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