Prayers To Remain Poised is a compilation of sincere prayers and meditations to support your ability to maintain equilibrium and composure in the face of difficulties.
These prayers give us direction, solace, and encouragement and remind us to put our faith in God’s knowledge and love.
These prayers are here to boost your spirit and assist you in returning to a position of strength and balance, whether you are facing a challenging decision, experiencing anxiety, or need a quiet moment.
May these words encourage you as you continue on your path of trust and hope.
Prayers for Staying Poised and Grounded
-Dear Holy Father, I trust you to help me attain the greatest power so that I can understand my true position. Assure me with the poise that I am where I was meant to be. Allow me to look towards the endless possibilities that arise out of peace and faith.
-Beloved Good God, I ask you to give me poise and determination so that I can understand that I have been blessed with several priceless gifts through your Holy Spirit, and I must learn how I can use them wisely for my welfare. Allow me to honor your graceful favors.
-O Lord Jehovah, I ask you to bless me with the pose and calmness that comes to our soul upon knowing that we are your blessed children and we have nothing to fear because we have your constant support and compassion. Allow this goldy revelation to settle into our hearts.
-Dear Savior Beloved, the divine poise you have given us has set us free. I ask for this freedom to let us rejoice in your Holy Spirit and know that we can do everything, and your divine grace is there to encourage and motivate us for the best.
-Gracious Almighty, I pray to you for calmness of soul. Give me the poise I seek through which the storms brewing within my heart can be pacified. Give me the mental peace I need so urgently. Bless me with a faith that is silent but strong enough to sustain me.
-Father Beloved, in my distressing and vulnerable times, when I have to face trials, I ask you to help me so that I can be poised and determined, remembering that every tough time shall pass away only if we can stay strong and patient enough to face all adversities bravely.
-Blessed Dear Master, I ask you to give me poise so that I can be hopeful even when times are tough. Give me patience so that I can never lose my composure during my afflictions. Accept my earnest prayers to know that my faith will sustain me.
-Holy Creator, bless me with the poise and faith to remember that everything that happens in our life is in assurance with your plans. I ask you to give me patience and balance so that I shall never mess up with my responsibilities and can learn to function more efficiently.
-Precious Protector, allow us to find poise in your Spirit, knowing that we can always trust you to bring goodness into our lives. I call upon your divine peace to eradicate all negative thoughts from my mind so that I can embrace poise and positivity with my heart and soul.
-Beloved Master, I ask for your divine poise and understanding to be imparted over my thought process so that I can only think of constructive and productive things. Allow me to identify and eradicate any thoughts that can ruin the composure and balance I have in my life.
-Kind Holy Deity, I call upon your poise and balance to refrain me from any such thought or feeling that may not be pleasing or suitable to you. Grant me the calmness of mind and heart I need to lead a happy and peaceful life. All glory be to you.
-Blessed Savior, it feels like my soul is going through a turbulent storm. My mind and heart have no peace and composure, and I cannot seem to regain my mental balance. I ask you to bless me with your divine solace and comfort me when I am troubled.
-Eternal Almighty, I am very overwhelmed by the troubles of my life. Everything seems out of balance, and it feels like there is no way out of this despair. I ask you to keep me poised during this difficult time and assure me that I’ll overcome all my troubles soon.
-Father Beloved, no matter how hard I try, I cannot keep myself from stumbling and falling at every step I take in my life. I have to worry about everything, and nothing goes well. Give me the poise and calmness I need in my soul right now.
-Good God, bless me with the strength and poise to identify the purpose with which I was sent into this world. Allow me to walk the path that you have led me into. Bless me so that I can spend my life fulfilling my purpose and giving you endless glory.
-Loving Dear Creator, I call upon your Holy Spirit to bring me poise and clarity in every aspect of my life. Kindle your burning light of wisdom and intellect in my heart so that I can stand firm against every darkness that threatens to take away my self-control and determination.
-Precious Dear God, I ask you to fortify my heart and soul through the endless grace and kindness of your Holy Spirit. Give eternal poise and comfort to my troubled soul is that I can free myself of all the anxieties and fears that have plagued it unnecessarily.
-Lord Beloved, I ask you to allow me to spend time in solitude to learn to be more poised and composed in every field of my life. I ask you to grant my wish only when they are pleasing to you and bring me peace and comfort.
-Blessed Savior, give me the poise and understanding to know that I must follow your Holy Will and always be humble enough to trust you with my life. As I place all my doubts and troubles before you, I ask you to bless me with peace of mind and heart.
-Dear Faithful Father, I ask you to help me stay poised and tranquil throughout the day. Remind me that when you are there to help me with my problems, I must never lose the calmness and composure of my heart and soul. Keep me away from worrying about unnecessary matters.
-Beloved Holy Almighty, allow me to stay poised and peaceful in the grace of your divine presence that evokes comfort and solace in our souls. Allow me to rest in your solace, trusting you will my problems and praying to you with an earnest heart devoted to your Spirit forever.
-O Eternal Master, I admit that I often try to rush around unnecessarily, not spending enough time in your divine solace and trusting you to comfort my heart when I feel troubled, and everything seems so messed up. Forgive me for my negligence and take me back into your care.
-Divine Holy Spirit, give me the pose to be able to forgive and forget. Evoke the spirit of kindness and grace so that I can even treat my enemies with respect; remember that what I do or say goes to you, and I must never do anything to dishonor you.
-O Faithful Father, give me the strength and poise to work hard and be dedicated to what I do. Keep me away from being distracted by negative elements around me that can make me lazy or undedicated. Allow me to rejoice in the divine grace of your poise and magnificence.
-Heavenly ALmighty, impart your godly knowledge and poise within my heart and soul so that I can understand how much love and affection you have for me and that I must try to see your divine composure whenever I feel agitated or disheartened by difficulties. All glory be to you.
-Dear Good God, thank you for the divine and graceful poise you have given me that surpasses all our general understanding. Thank you for giving us peace and impotence that keep us away from apprehension and self-doubt. Thank you for always providing for our needs and wishes in our lives.
-Gracious Lord Jehovah, I feel so grateful to your Holy Spirit for helping me calm down when I have been constantly feeling agitated or irritated by things not happening accordingly in my life. Thank you for letting me stay connected to you whenever I have needed solace in my heart.
-Merciful Almighty, I praise your Spirit and thank you for your divine poise and comfort that washes over my troubles and helps me stay on the correct track. Thank you for your graceful peace that helps me clear my doubts and rise to greater glory and property in life.
-Faithful Father, thank you for letting me pour out my troubles and gain the poise and comfort I have been seeking for so long. Thank you for being faithful and keeping your promise of bringing joy and peace into my life. Let me secure a place in your divine heaven.
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“Mindfulness, meditation, and positivity – these three words describe me the best. I founded “BeHappyHuman” blog dedicated to spreading happiness and inner peace through mindfulness and meditation techniques. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been exploring these practices for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing their benefits with others. My mission is to help individuals achieve greater happiness.