150+ Prayer For Faith And Believe In Your Superpower

Sometimes, when life becomes difficult to lead, we lose faith in God. In those moments of uncertainty, try sitting quietly at one place and praying to Him so that you can feel His mighty presence around you again. Prayers that will reassure and comfort you.

Prayers For Faith: Strengthening Your Belief in the Divine

-Father, you have taught us that faith is something that must be hoped for, even though its evidence may not be seen through our eyes. Reassure me of that and never let me go away from this faith. Clear my doubts and give my heart the peace it truly deserves.- Amen

Prayers For Faith Strengthening Your Belief In The Divine

-O Dear Lord, let me have faith in your Holy Scriptures and rest the power in them to give me a perspective shift. Help me constantly remind myself that I have put my trust in you, our Mighty Father, who will never disappoint me by forsaking me.- Amen

-God, when I remind myself that my connection to you is continually restored, not by activities, but only faith, it calms me and lets me focus on the good things in life. Thank you for being so positive and helpful in all matters I have approached you about.- Amen

Related: Prayers For Happiness

-O Good Father, your valuable Holy Word tells me that even the tiniest of faiths can work wonders. Nothing is impossible with honest faith in our hearts. I pray to you to bless us so that we can have faith in you and we can develop ourselves as human beings.- Amen

-Dear Lord, as long as I have immense faith in you and I believe in your superpowers, happiness and positivity will flow from within me at all times. I will be undefeated, and nothing in this world can bring me down or stop me from achieving what I want to.- Amen

-O God, you are my image of hope and faith. You can give us happiness, peace of mind, and heart when we have trust in You, and our spirits will overflow with love and grace because the mighty power of your Holy Spirit rules us.- Amen

Prayers For Faith

-Blessed Father, I always have faith that you are the source of everything in our life. You feed a hungry person and give shelter to someone seeking a roof over his head. Our thirst for care and faith is satisfied when we have you in our lives.- Amen

-Dear Father, today I proclaim out loud that you are my Lord. This declaration pronounces my faith in you, and I believe that if my heart is true and my feelings are honest, you will stand before us as a shield and protect us. Lord, save us from all harm.- Amen

Related: Prayers For Hope

Prayer For Faith And Being Strong

-O Holy Father, I pray to you to bless us with some of your glorious rich store of endless power and make us strong to our innermost core. Prepare our inner being to be stronger and more confident than ever. Dwell in our hearts through the faith we express.- Amen

-Dear Holy God, keep us rooted in your unconditional faith. Never let us lose the strong ground that we have in your hearts. This way, we will never lose faith in your power and always trust you with everything in our lives, as we have done so far.- Amen

-Almighty Lord, no matter what I do in life, and no matter how righteous a person I am, nothing has any meaning if I don’t have unquestionable faith in you. My connection to you can only justify my life, and I want to stay in your presence forever.- Amen

-O Gracious Father, I pray to you to constantly remind me that you live within me. My spirit is an embodiment of yourself. You have created my physical self; I exist because of my faith in your power. You have loved me and given yourself to me.- Amen

-Great Lord, as I go through the holy texts, I realize that we live not by sight but by faith. So, with this trust, I will be capable of fighting all battles with honesty and vigor, and I also know that I will finish every struggle on a positive note.- Amen

-Lord, there comes a certain phase in our lives when we doubt everything. We even begin to question the meaning of your existence and powers. It is in these times that your message appears helpful to us. You have always taught us that we must continue to pursue your love.- Amen

Related: Prayers For Family

-Good Lord, whenever I have immersed myself in self-doubt and questioned everything happening to me, I have found the courage to approach you with my questions. You have helped me out and motivated me. Thus, I have regained my lost faith and am so grateful to you for everything.- Amen

-Gracious Father, I also want to pray to you today to help anyone in a similar condition as me. Clear our minds of all doubts, and let me help someone in any way I can. Let us never struggle with our faith.- Amen

Best Prayer For Faith And Believe In Your Superpower

-Father, I believe the only solution to all my problems is to believe and not doubt. Help me to become a believer because otherwise, I will just be blown away and tossed to and fro by the large waves of uncertainty and indecision, and I will have nowhere to go.- Amen

-Good Lord, I know that unless I become an ardent believer and have faith in you, I will not be worthy enough to witness your mighty grace on us. I pray to you to make me faithful and allow me to feel your glory that keeps us safe.- Amen

-O Lord, help us to accept the person who lacks faith with an open embrace and then change them to goodness. Let us not quarrel with them but rather help them understand the importance of faith in you so they can walk on the right path.- Amen

-Father, being human beings, our powers are truly limited. There are many things in life that we cannot do by ourselves. This is how you become the most important person in our lives because nothing is impossible to you, and you guide us in everything we put our hand into.- Amen

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-Father, I consider this rough phase of my life to be an instance where you test my faith. I take this as an opportunity to learn new things in life and understand the value of perseverance. No matter how a person is, doubtless, faith will protect all of us.- Amen

-Dear Lord, many people around the world, are in situations where life is very challenging for them. Consequently, this may lead to their loss of faith in your existence and work. I pray to them so that you can look after them and reinforce their faith.- Amen

-Gracious Father, even in these days of uncertainty and hopelessness, I still have faith in you, and I consider you to be my source of strength and love. My faith is reaffirmed, and my heart is uplifted when I meditate on you and everything you said about faith and love.- Amen

-Good God, you command me to be strong and have the courage of mind and heart. Because of you, I am never demotivated; nothing can induce fear or doubt in my mind. I go into the world confidently because I can feel your shadow behind me wherever I go.- Amen

-Good God, I feel so blessed to know that I am your child, and you have brought me up. You have trained me always to be my guard and stick to my faith. I am confident and strong because I constantly have you by my side.- Amen

-Blessed Lord, I find my delight and bliss in you, and so I only take firm steps in life. I may stumble in achieving success on the first try, but I am sure I will never fail in life. You uphold me with your mighty hands.- Amen

-Beloved Father, whenever I turn the pages of any of your holy texts, I find several examples that amazingly portray the importance of faith and how you have never let down people who have had faith in your powers. You have always kept your promises above everything else.- Amen

Prayers For Faith

-Dear Good Lord, people around me often ridicule me for trusting everything into your hands. I pray to you not to let these trivial things bother me or change my faith in you. Even if your ways seem a little bizarre, I must follow them without question.- Amen

Prayers For Faith And Protect Me

-Almighty Blessed Father, life can put me in a situation that is too overpowering for me to overcome. I pray to you to not let me be feared by these things and go straight into battle, knowing that you are there to defend and protect me in every situation.- Amen

Prayers For A Strong Faith In Belief

The most adverse situations of our lives must always be considered as God’s test of our faith and patience.

In such times, we must submit ourselves humbly to Him and pray to Him to let us grow in our faith. These uplifting prayers can be very helpful if used properly.

-O Good God, you promise to give us everything when we pray to you with faith and respect in our hearts. As I find myself unable to stand firm in my faith and believe you wholeheartedly, I ask for your mercy and compassion to rescue me from this terrible indecision.

-Father Beloved, I know that receiving your mercy and love is impossible if we cannot act accordingly when our faith is being tested. Draw me closer to your Holy Spirit and let me feel your divine presence so that I may never lose my faith, no matter what.

Prayers For A Strong Faith In Belief

-Dear Creator, allow me to feel your godly image in my soul more vividly and believe in your divine existence in every aspect of our life so that I can always have endless faith. Reward me with your graceful favors when I pass the test of my faith and respect.

-Gracious Almighty, I believe that my faith in your Holy Spirit will sustain me throughout my life, and I’ll receive what I have asked for. Allow me to be reassured in the glory of my faith so that when it is questioned, I can always stand firm in my position.

-Holy Protector, bless me so that I can never doubt myself or you, especially when I can understand that my faith is being tested. Eradicate all negativity from my heart and soul so that I can only focus on the good things you have blessed me with.

-Good Master, there has been no such time when my prayers to you haven’t been answered. I have always been able to be happy and peaceful in my life only because of my unquestionable faith in your power and compassion. Allow me to pass every test of faith very efficiently.

-Savior Beloved, I am suffering. I am tormented by the test of my faith that makes me question myself and you. As I go through your Commandments, I find that you have asked us to pray whenever we suffer from indecision or despair, so I give myself to you.

-Merciful Almighty, the one who is sinned, weak, helpless, distraught – you will raise him. Allow us to pass every test of faith, remembering that as long as we have your mercy, we have nothing to worry about. Protect our faith in the power of earnest prayer to your Holy Spirit.

-Lord Beloved, even when the burden of our sins torments us, we pray to you to bless us with patience and faith. Let us remember that this is also a way to test our faith and that we must never lose hope because you will forgive our sins.

-Faithful Father, please remind me that if we ever wander away from the Spirit of your divine truth and understanding, it means that our faith is being tested. Lead the way for us so that we can remember that only you can help us get back on the right track.

-Good Creator, our hearts and souls are tormented. We fail to recognize your godly voice speaking through our souls, which is a test of our faith. Please help us cover the multitude of sins we have committed which has made us stray from your compassion and understanding.

-Kind Deity, everything around us that has life is sustained through our faith in your Holy Spirit. So I pray to you to remember that your good plans for us can never fail, and therefore, even in the most difficult times of our life, we must learn to be patient.

–Dear Lord Jehovah, please forgive us if we have tried to lead our lives in our way, neglecting the power of faith and your Holy Way that has always worked magnificently in our lives. Remind us that we only need to trust you with all our heart and soul.

-Good God, I believe that when our troubles seem unbearable, you are testing our faith and patience. Bless me with the humility to be able to submit everything humbly into your hands and trust you to take care of my problems. 

 Amazing Prayer For Faith And Believe In Your Superpower

-Holy Spirit, I ask you to make me a believer. Always help me remember that only if I can pass every test of faith with diligence and perfection, your godly grace and compassion will be showered upon me selflessly, helping me overcome every obstacle I encounter. 

-Eternal Savior, in the times when our faith is being tested, remind me that it is you who shares your yoke with all your blessed children so that they may never feel lonely or weak during the adverse situations of their life. Build my foundation of faith in your Spirit. 

-O Blessed Almighty, I know that the current difficult situation that I am going through is a test of my faith, and I always choose to stand firm in my faith and patience, but often things can become unbearable. In these moments, I ask for your divine peace and comfort.

-Precious Dear Creator, despite my inability to feel your divine presence in my life when my faith is being tested, you have good plans for me, and I need to trust you wholeheartedly. Even if things aren’t working out right now, everything shall be sorted through your godly grace.

-Faithful Father, I have always been able to share my joys and sorrows with you. You have allowed me to rejoice in your Holy Spirit during my joyous days. Bless me so that when my faith is being tested, I shall always seek your glorious divine presence in my life. 

-Lord Jehovah, I wish to grow in your eternal faith and compassion every day. I want to strengthen the foundation of my faith in your Holy Spirit through your grace so that whenever my faith is being tested, I can face it bravely and never be afraid of losing you. 

-Dear Good God, as human beings, we are flawed. This is why when our faith is tested in practical life, we fail to face it with courage and wisdom. Prepare us in the light of your Holy Way so that no matter what happens, we may never lose our faith.

-O Good Savior, we know the power of your Holy Will in our lives, but we refuse to witness its glorious demonstration throughout our lives. Forgive us if we have ever been negligent of your Will and never forsake us from your mercy, especially when our faith is being tested.

-Father Beloved, pour your words of love and wisdom into our hearts so that we can make good use of them when we find our faith in our Holy Spirit is being tested. Help us remember that, like every other adversity, we shall overcome this only through your divine intervention.

-Holy Dear Creator, allow us to find comfort and strength in your Holy Spirit. Our inability to stand firm in our faith when it is being tested fills our hearts with despair and regret, and so we ask you to comfort us with all your godly grace and gentle love.

-Merciful Dear Master, allow us to cling to you in our steadfast faith and respect. Reassure us that our willing and loving obedience to you in every aspect of our lives shall pay us off, especially when our faith is tested. Bless us with knowledge and perseverance.

-O Heavenly Almighty, allow us to have eternal faith in your grace that shall rescue us out of all our sorrows and desperation and give us the eternal salvation that we seek so earnestly from you. I believe only your true sovereign godly power exists in our lives.

Prayers For Faith

-Loving Protector, consider us worthy of receiving the grace of your world that shall awaken our hearts and souls and make us seek you in every difficult time of our life when our faith is being tested. Remind us that our faith shall bear fruit.

-Good God, lead us to always be respectful and humble before your Spirit so that we can receive your eternal mercy and compassion that will help us overcome our fears and shortcomings when faith is being tested. Let us pass every test of faith to give you praise and honor.

-Dear God, our life is a series of good and bad times. Some days, we feel so connected to your divine Being, while there are days when you seem so distant. Nonetheless, we pray to you to let us have eternal belief in your godly influence over our blessed lives.

-O Faithful Father, I pray to you for the days when there are doubts in our mind, making us question ourselves and wonder if you truly exist in our lives. Bless us so we can always believe in you and never think of being deprived of your love.

-Dear God, as I look around myself, I find so many things happening that make us lose our belief in you. We start questioning your godly compassion. Please forgive us for being naive and bless our hearts so we can feel your graceful love in our lives again.

-Lord Jehovah, allow us to always look out for your Holy purpose with which we were sent into this world so that we can realize that no matter what happens or what people say, we must believe that your Spirit is guiding us correctly, keeping us away from being sidetracked.

-Gracious Almighty, I ask you to bless us with this reassurance in our hearts that you will always be there to support and motivate us through everything. So, irrespective of what time we are going through, we must never lose the eternal belief in your graceful impact on our lives.

-O Holy Creator, it is true that all of us have to go through a rough phase in our lives. We all face crises, but we must have the humility and humility to submit ourselves humbly into your hands and trust you to take care of and help us.

-Beloved Master, I ask you to bless our hearts so that no matter how complicated circumstances may be, we can always believe in our hearts that our strong faith in your Holy Spirit is all that matters, and it will protect us from the evil forces in life.

-Precious Holy Protector, I have been through a very difficult phase of my life. These tough times have revealed more clearly the importance of preserving my belief in you. Thank you for helping me overcome my weaknesses and always assuring me that I could do this by myself.

-Dear Holy God, even amid all the uncertainties and trials that this life has given us, we have always believed in your magnificent powers. We have always trusted you to have a very important role to play in our lives, and we thank you for everything you’ve done.

-O Father Beloved, I ask you to bless our minds so that we can always be aware of how you greatly influence our lives. Allow us to be grateful to have you to rejoice in our good times as well as share the pain of our losses and regrets.

-Kind Holy Spirit, I pray to you to let us place you first in all our endeavors. Let us always rely upon our strong belief in your Divine Being so that you can bless us with your graceful favors, leading us to succeed and prosper in everything we do.

-O Lord Jehovah, we can constantly feel your divine presence in our souls. Your everlasting guidance and motivation in our tasks have strengthened our belief in you, and we promise to always be gratefully devoted towards you so that you can bless us for the faith that keeps us grounded.

-Heavenly Almighty, I ask you to forgive me if I have let my mind and heart wander in unnecessary thoughts that have shaken the foundation of my faith and led me to think differently about you. Let me remember that I must never lose faith irrespective of what happens.

-Dear Great Savior, I ask you to let me pause and reflect on my life and identify why I am losing my belief in your Holy Spirit. Assure me that you will never forsake me, and you will renew my faith so that I can always stay connected to you.

Prayer For Believe In Your Superpower

-Kind Sweet Deity, I ask you to bless my belief so that I can always be reminded that every good thing I have in my life has been received as a favor from your Divine Being. You have filled my life with joy and abundance, and I am forever grateful.

-Precious Creator, I ask you to strengthen my belief in you so that during my most vulnerable times, when I feel myself to be weak and incapable of working, I can look out for your divine strength and courage to overcome my shortcomings and emerge as your powerful, blessed child.

-Heavenly Good God, I ask you to constantly remind me that the greatest treasure we have in our lives is the gift of your eternal faith. Allow us to always seek your divine peace in our hearts, remembering that we need it in our lives to be happy and content.

-Dear Great Master, whether we celebrate or lament, we must never turn away from you. You are the source of all your strength and comfort, and we must always remember to honor your glorious presence in our blessed lives by protecting the eternal belief we have in our hearts.

-O Lord Jehovah, thank you for protecting my faith in you and never breaking my belief that we will always have the favor of your divine presence in our lives, no matter what. Thank you for always answering our prayers and letting us look towards you for guidance and solace.

-Gracious Almighty, there are no words to explain how grateful we are to have this belief in our hearts that we have your graceful favors shielding us from danger. Thank you for being there to heal us when we are wounded and giving us peace in times of mental storms.

-Beloved God, we believe we can only lead happy and righteous lives when we can learn to prioritize you in every aspect of our lives. Thank you for always being so benevolent to us and giving us the reassurance that you are taking care of us.

-Father Beloved, thank you for always filling our hearts with joy and hope. I ask you to be merciful and help us protect our beliefs because that is the only thing that will keep us going, even through the hardest of times. With heartfelt gratitude, we give glory to you.

-Blessed Dear Master, change is the only constant in our lives, But, recently, it feels like everything is changing so fast around us. So, we pray to you to always keep us in the steadfast belief of your Holy Spirit so that your divine compassion is constantly there for us.

-Beloved Good Creator, I ask you to let me trust my eternal belief in you, especially when I suffer from fear and anxiety. In my difficult times, I want to be reminded of your godly compassion and truth; bless me that you are there as long as I am righteous.

-O Faithful Good Protector, I am constantly tormented by the fear of losing what I have in my life. I have nightmares that your godly love will eventually forsake me. Bless my belief so that I can overcome my fears and trust you to comfort my troubled soul.

-Kind Sweet Deity, the world needs your divine unbelief right now. People have such messed-up hearts that they have lost the ability to trust someone wholeheartedly. I pray to you to restore their faith in you so they can look at the world around them differently.

-Lord Jehovah, I place the welfare of my family, everyone close to me, in your hands with complete belief because I know that you will take good care of us. Please remind me that you control our lives, so we must have endless faith in you.

-Precious Dear Master, I pray for your guardian angels to watch over me every time I find myself in a dilemma, unable to protect my belief in your Holy Spirit. I want you to comfort me and bless me with the divine solace of your magnificent presence in my soul.

-Heavenly Almighty, I pray for my eternal belief to protect me from temptations. Allow me to stand firm against all adverse situations, knowing that I get my strength and positivity from you, and only if I can have faith will I have the power to overcome every obstacle very easily.

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